2. To the moon and back

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Muffled voices overlap each other, it sounds like how I'd imagine talking bees to sound.

I try force my eyes open but it's no use.

"What fuck did you do to her Remus!" I cold voice shot, He had kept his words to a whisper, but I could practically smell the anger off of him.

"I I- don't know, I don't remember anything." Remus replied with a raspy voice, I'm guess from crying.

Finally my eyes flutter open, only to be met with a blinding light that making me scrunch my face up.

"Maeve, thank god your awake." Peter let out a relieved sigh as he pushed past the two auguring boys to hug me.

"Hey Pete, what's going on?" I asked with a tired smile.

"Uhh..." he turned his head back to Remus and regulus, hoping they would explain.

"You don't remember?" Remus said rubbing his hand across his mouth try to keep himself together.

I search my thoughts, it felt like trying to remember a dream, I could remember the emotions I felt, but not why I felt them.

"Do you remember anything at all from last night." Regulus, now matching Remus concerned look.

"Well I remember some things." I said giving him a wink, which caused him to laugh just enough to be heard.

"Why are you here again?" Sirius said annoyed by his brother's presence.

"Well I- We were-"

"He took me for a walk through the forest to try to make me feel better." I interrupted his  awkward stuttering.

"Why him though?"  Sirius said in disgust.

"Peter was getting drunk, James isn't talking to me, you slept with my boyfriend, and I dumped said boyfriend." I counted out the reasons on my fingers.
"Also I kissed him so that also puts him at the top of the list." I said with an eye roll.

"You kissed!" Remus said, sounding betrayed.

"So? I caught you cheating on me with my best friend." My sass almost covered the pain in my voice.
"And no I didn't just kiss him because I was lonely, I had feelings for him for the a while now, but instead of cheating on you with him I ended our friendship like a loyal partner. I guess your not much of a gryffindor after all." As I explained, it felt like my blood was about boil, I was so angry so quickly.

Remus opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he realised I was right, an a awkward silence fell over the group.

"Maeve, nice to see your awake." Madam Pomfrey walked over and place her hand on my forehead to check my temperature.
"If you boys could give Maeve some privacy while I check her bandages that would be great thanks." She pulled the curtain around my now empty space.

Wait a minute, bandages?
It all came back to me,
I was attacked.

My body went stiff and she pled back my bandages, the cold air sent shivers down my spine.
My heart nearly skipped a beat when I heard madam Pomfrey gasp.

What was wrong with me? Was there a lot of blood? Was it infected? Was I dying?

She quickly left behind the curtain and pulled Remus away from us all to talk to him.
It was weird, she went away so we wouldn't hear anything, but it was like they were standing right behind me.

"What do you mean there's nothing there? She can't of just healed overnight, even if I turned her, my kind don't heal like that, I mean the proof is right here." Remus replied pointing at his scared face.

I heard her footsteps shuffle along the hard floor back to me.

"Maeve can you take a seat, I need to tell you something." She sighed.

"That I magically healed? I heard, you guys whisper really loud." I yawned and pinched the bridge of my nose in hope to get rid of my god awful headache.

She just stared at me in shock.

"Look, I've got places to be and you can't keep me here." I said annoyed as I walked off.

My books slammed down on the library table, I just meant to place them.

"How are you feeling?" Amara asked, looking at my books.

"I'm fine, why?" I said with a shrug, taking the seat near to her.

"I saw you last night, you were covered in blood. And I'm going to guess it wasn't that time of the month." Her voice turned to a whisper.

"Ahh, yes that." I let in an awkward inhale. "I'm fine now, madam Pomfrey healed me up and left me without a scratch." I smiled, but when looked at her she had a mixture of relief and fear painted on her face.

"Well.." I tried to change the subject. "Let's get started on your potions homework."

"Do you feel any different from last night?" She said while fiddling with her quill.

"Yeah... I'm not in pain." This was getting weird.

She nodded.
"Cool, cool, cool."

I started writing out the answers to the homework but I couldn't focus, the girls in the corner were practically shouting that they were sleeping with some quidditch player, the couple in the bad were munching on sweets, everything was so loud.

"Mae? You alright?" Amara asked, only one person in my whole ever called me that, and it wasn't Amara.

"I need to go lay down, I've got really bad headache."
I scurried out of the library with my head in my hand, I felt like I was having the worst hangover on the planet (minus the nausea)

I laid down in my bed, breaking to a cold sweat.
Flashes of last night played on loop in my head, as I passed in and out.

Then a flash of a coyote was thrown in the loop of my memories. It wasn't a normal coyote, it was like Clara.
It wasn't remus that attacked me, it wasn't a werewolf that attacked me, it was a werecoyote.

It was weird, Clara's family was one of the few werecoyotes in Europe, they usually are in America.
What was it doing at hogwarts of all places, was it a student? Was it a teacher?

Then it hit me,
It bit me, I was bit by a werecoyote.
Shit, that's what madam pomfrey was so scared of.
I'm turning.


How in writing Werecoyotes is how they are in teen wolf.
I think the writers of teen wolf have a pretty good idea of the mythology of supernatural creatures so it's pretty reliable.

I think the writers of teen wolf have a pretty good idea of the mythology of supernatural creatures so it's pretty reliable

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