12. Mr. Bright side- the killers

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Remus POV

I walked into my dorm to see Sirius, Peter and James sitting on their beds eagerly waiting for me.

"Soooooo, how'd it go." Peter questioned

"Fine, I s'pose." I let myself fall back onto my bed.

"What happened?" James sighed.

"I don't really know, we had a moment I guess, but it wasn't enough." I groaned

"We need details mate." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Well, we're sitting in this tree, it was comfy and big, and she was eating an apple and I joked she looks like she just fell in love with it. Then she looked at me and said she did, and I said that I did too, she then said that I hadn't tried the apple yet and I said I know. Then I said that she was playing dumb after she acted all confused then she denied it.
I said Fine, but remember, I can tell when your lying, AND SHE SMIRKED and said that it was good for me and jumped out the tree and said we should go.
Like.. hello, we're having a moment." I smash my face into my pillow.

"At least your getting somewhere with her." Sirius shrugged, his voice getting higher by the second.

"Yeah if James can get somewhere with Lilly you can definitely get somewhere with vixen." Peter reassured.

"Wait! You're with Lilly!" I jumped up. That boy has been in love with her for years.

"Welllll, I'm not exactly with her, but she did agree for us to go out as friends, apparently Maeve put in a good word for me." James corrected.

Lilly's POV

"Oh my gosh, I cant believe it!" Maeve, shocked as ever. "I can't believe that you finally gained common sense."

"Ha-ha, very funny." I throw a pillow at her.

"Well I heard Lilly's not the only one getting it on with boys." Marlene stares right at Maeve with a cheeky smirk.

"How did you know?!" Maeve's voice cracked."

"Dorcas told me."Marlene huffed proudly.

Maeve looks at Dorcas confused.

"The other Marauders and I may or may not have planned to get you too alone."Dorcas, with a mischievous grin.

"Ah, of course." Maeve pressed her lips together in a somewhat smile awkwardly.

"Well.. go on, what happened." I eagerly waited.

Maeve had explained in explicit detail what happened after they left the three broomsticks.

"Why didn't you kiss him?"Marlene groaned

"Marlene." I sighed "my life isn't some sexual romance novel okay."

"But do you like him?" Lily squeaked.

"I think so." She nodded with the biggest grin.

All of burst out laughing in happiness for her.


We later headed down to the 5th year common room and the boys who siting near him were playfully pushing and shoving him as Maeve walked down.

"So, Maeve how do you plan to get back at Barty?" Remus questioned with a evil mastermind grin.

"Well." I plonk down onto lounge, to sit next to Lilly "ever heard of wiz-Key berries?" I smirked

"You wouldn't." James mocked.

Sirius, on the edge of his seat. "Oh she would."

"Am I the only one who doesn't know what wiz-key berries are?" Peter murmured.

𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now