20. Best friends- by rex orange county

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Remus POV
Platform 9 3/4
End of summer break

"Sirius!" Maeve ran up to he pulling him in for a hug that almost knocked him right off his feet.

"Watch out Vix, your gonna kill him with a hug like that." James laughed as he pulled her in for a 'dad hug.'

"Good to see ya mate." I went in to give Sirius a hug but he cut me off with a weird bro, shoulder barge thingy.

"You to Moony." He smiled, it was meaningful but just so plain.

"Dammm, someone had a glow up over the holidays." Maeve teased.

I look over, she was right he had grown taller, slimed down, and grown his hair out a bit, Peter was looking fine.

Peter looks at Maeve a little shocked.
"Oh, thank you." *does Debbie Ryan*

"Come here Moony." James puts me in a head lock and try's to ruffle my buzz cut as we found a carriage.

Third person POV

"Maeve, I bet you won't get through the first week with out a detention." James laughed

"Oh really, I bet you won't be able to voluntarily finish 1 read chapter book in the next 6 months."
Maeve teased.

"Well I'm not moony over here, of course I can't." James defended.

"Pfft, James, I could do it in 4." Boasted Sirius.

Remus peaks over his book.

"I'd hate to burst your bubble Padfoot, but that's not a flex, well unless your a first year maybe."

"Well technically Remus, I'm still a 5th year until I walk into Hogwarts." Sirius added, thinking it made him sound smarter

"Yeah, just like the rest of us, you're not that special." Maeve still teasing.

"Oh, shut up." he laughs as he throws the newspaper at her.

Peter grabs the newspaper And hold it up and starts to read it out.
"Guys you've made headlines! Listen, recent studies have shown that wizards go by the names Padfoot and prongs tend to be borderline stupid."

"It does not" James says whilst snatching the newspaper from his hands so he could sure.

Laughter continues to fill the carriage as they get closer to Hogwarts, after awhile it fades into smaller conversations, with Remus and Maeve reading.

"I hate crossing over the black lake" Peter sighs.

"Awww, is Wormtail afraid of the water" James teases.

"No, it's that giant squid. Like it could just pull us down at any second, and we could die a horrible death."

"There's not a giant squid you idiot." James scoffed.

"James, 5 years at hogwarts and you didn't know that there's the Giant Squid, Merpeople, Grindylows, and probably some other weird things." Maeve explains as she lowers her book.

"Well Maeve, you're just so smart aren't you." mocked James.

"Smarter than you." She adds.

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