9. Big-little problems

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Amara's pov
Amara's dorm room
5 weeks until Christmas.

"No you betrayed me, that what you did!" Evan screeched like a feral cat.

"And you blew this argument way out of proportion, you complete and utter drama Queen!" Peter fired back, throwing a paper weight that missed him completely.

"Yeah, well, you and your first year insults can take a hike, because that was utter shit!" Evan continue to screech, honestly I'm surprised nobody has told us to shut up yet.

"At least I can insult people, you're just a mean blob." Peter walked up close to him, it was funny how much taller Evan was.

"Mean blob? MEAN BLOB?! Im not a 'mean blob' you know what the fuck 'mean blob' is? It's my point proven." Evan Motioned his arms as he talked with so much sass I was sure he was going to hit someone.

"Holy shit! It's literally just a story! Can you just sit down and pick something different to talk about!" I pleaded in a loud shout.

"Just a- JUST A STORY! they were in love!" Evan fumed at my words, turning more red than a tomato. Honestly I think I saw steam blowing out his ears.

"No they weren't, THEY WERE COUSINS FOR MERLINS SAKE!" Peter went on disagreeing much louder than needed.

"All of our parents are all cousins!" Evan shot back at Peter, not thinking about what he said.

"Self burn, those are rare. Besides Mara and I don't have cousin-parents." Maeve laughed, siting in a leather arm chair.
I'm glad I convinced Evan to let her hang out with us, I think it was mainly because she joined Voldemort, but it's still nice.

"You know what I'm done with this!" Evan grabbed his jumper and stormed out of the dorm.

"Evan." Peter wined, following after him.

"How much you wanna bet there going to get at it tonight." Barty joked, nudging Maeve to get a reaction, she smiled a little giggle escaped her lips.

"You should go make sure they don't do it in your bed." I said bluntly to Barty, Honestly him being so close to Mae made me sick, maybe it's because I want to make sure she's safe since he love-drugged her over a year ago.

"Yeah, yeah." He made an awkward smile before tripping on my book bag, nearly falling on his face.

"Careful, your face is about your only redeeming quality." Maeve teased, trying to make it less awkward for him, but he just let out a sad chuckle before leaving.

"You certainly have luck with boys." I joked, trying to break the new silence as we both got up and walked to my bed room.

"Please don't bring that up." A sad excuse of a laugh escaped her mouth.

"Why?" I sighed in a concerned tone, as sat on my bed, facing each other.

"Just the Regulus of it all." She shrugged.
"I feel really bad about it, i mean, he practically confessed his love to me and I just- well, you know what I did." Maeve bit her bottom lip to silence herself.

"It's not your fault-"

"But it is, I kissed him, I made him think he had a chance." She interrupted.
"Look Mara, I really care him, but I don't want to be with him. Like what? He's perfect for me, but no, it can't be that easy." She waved her hands around in annoyance, acting out her words as if she were in charge of an orchestra.

"He's obviously not perfect for you." I sighed in a whisper, forgetting she can hear.
I looked up to see her confused face.

"I just mean, nobody's perfect for each other." I let out an awkward chuckle, I hoped my cover was good enough.

She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head as she looked at me, as if to say 'I know you're lying' and was waiting for an explanation.

"Okay, fine. I think that there are other people out there who would treat you better than he can." I inhaled deeply hoping she would take what I said the  right way.

"Like Barty?" She said with a confused look, wrinkling her skin on the bridge of her nose.

"No, definitely not." I wave my hands up in defence. "I Just mean that-" I bite down on my next words, deciding if there worth saying.

"Well go on." Mae said in a teasing tone.

"It's nothing, I only think you shouldn't feel guilty about not having feelings for him." I shrug.

"I guess your right, I have enough on my plate, I mean I joined Voldemort for Merlin sakes, why the hell am I caring about boys." She she said in a lecturing tone aimed at herself.

"Yeah, I guess we're in the same boat there." I whispered softly.


Sorry for the short chapter, I just really wanted to update.
Thank you so much for reading.

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