15-madonna frozen- sickick remix

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Remus POV

"We're are the first ones in the the great hall." Peter says excitedly.

"Yeah no shit it's 6:00 am." Sirius yawned.

"What got you you in a mood." Peter rolled his eyes as he took a seat next to Sirius.

"I need my beauty rest." He complained.

"I can tell." Maeve jokes as she sits next to him.


"Oh, James sit next to me so we all can see the Slytherins." Maeve pats the seat next to her.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit next to Remus?" He teases.

"He can do whatever he want as long as it's away from me." Her voice was cold and blunt, there wasn't any emotion in it, she had never spoken to me or of me in that way before.

"O-okay then." He sits next to her and I walk over to sit next Peter.

She grabs some toast and cuts it into quarters and puts a different spread on each, as do I. We both loved having so much option here at hogwarts, it was a shame I never got to meet her properly at St Edmunds. I never thought the gender separation made sense.

We all talked for about two hours until a certain group of Slytherins walked in the hall the were all inching at their skin but there wasn't any scales.

"Maeve, Did we do it wrong? Peter sulks.

"No, just wait the more they scratch the more the scales show up." Maeve mischievously smirks.

Mulciber takes off his robe trying scratch his body with a gross yellow tint to his temples and cheekbones.
The more they scratched the more scales showed up.

"It's working, look at him!" I blurt out.

"Of course it work Maeve's a genius." A familia voice said.

"Regulus?" I turn around. To see him behind me watching his mates jump around trying to itch themselves.

"The one and only, I just thought I'd thank Maeve for the tip." He winked at her.

"No problem." She shrugged.

"You told him?" I didn't understand.

"Yeah." She kept her blunt tone towards me.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Well, I guess it's like you said we're a thing."

I look at regulus.

"Dam right we are." He smirked.

"Your at the wrong table." I get up to face him, I was taller than him.

"whatcha gonna do, give me a matching scar." He pouted.

"Regulus, that's too far." Maeve's cold tone turned almost viscous towards regulus without getting even the tiniest bit loud.

She grabs him by his arm and walks out of the main hall.

"Moony, you okay?" Sirius puts his hand on his back to comfort him.

"Let's just watch the Slytherins."

Regulus POV

She pulls me out of the great hall into a hidden corridor and pins me to the wall.

"What the hell was that!" She demanded.

"I thought you wanted me to." I reasoned.

"Don't ever say say anything about his scars. ever. again." She seethed.

She slaps me across the face. it hurt more than I'd expected.

"Don't," I pin her to the wall so her toes barley touch the ground, "-ever forget who I am, I'm the worst of them all remember. I don't have the title 'heir of The blacks' for nothing."

"Get off me."

"Don't mistake my kindness to you for anything other than me just wanting to get in your pants, because that all it'll ever be."

"Good, because I was worried some inbred freak thought he had an actual chance with me." She laughed.

"Don't test your luck mudblood." I warned.

"I'm so scared. Whatcha gonna do, torture me. Sorry but someone's beat you to it." Her laugh had a hint of pain behind it.

"Oh Please, there's so much I could do to you that your not used too, you know so little of what I could do. I could make you scream in seconds."

"Your mum already made me last night."


"When I fucked her." She was little to proud of her joke.

"I'm being serious. There is  so much you've never felt that I can make you feel." I put my hand around her neck tightening my grip so she could only just breathe.

"Kinky." She smirks to try to hide her fear, her voice all croaky.

I let my grip loosen.

"I know your scared, I could easily do what your parents couldn't." Her smirk drops. "That's right I know all about that remember, and I know what you did too. If you ever try to threaten me again remember I'm always three steps ahead."

I let go of her completely and walk away leaving her alone in the small hidden corridor.

Maeve POV

I sink to the floor, hoping it would just swallow me whole. I would be expelled if people found out what I did.

I needed to get class I have HOM exam due. The problem is mattheo is in that class but I still had Peter in that class.


"Maeve what happened to you?" Peter rushed up to me looking at my red-rubbed neck, it was sure to bruise.

"Got in a fight." My voice was a little raspy.

"Do you need me to take you to madam Pomfrey-"

"I'm fine Peter I promise." I hold his hand tightly as regulus walks in the room.

"Did he do this to you?" He walk me over to the far Conner of the room we're we could sit.

I just nodded.

I could practically feel peters anger as he looked over at him.

"Leave it." I sighed.

"We'll get him later right?" He got excited for a prank.

I shook my head.

"Good morning class, if you look to your left you'll find your papers, I'll be in the other room if you need me."

"That was weird." Peter mumbled.

Peter and I finish it with minutes to spare, but that was better than most people did.

my classes went pretty well thanks to Peter lending me his scarf, he was always the gentleman.

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