4. Teachers pet

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Maeve's Pov
Astronomy class
Wednesday, fifth week

Honestly I was so glad that I had been partners with regulus, imagine if I was stuck with Remus.
I know I wouldn't handle it well.

"Maeve, I know your off in another world again, but please save that for when you not in my class." professor pierce teased.
"You wouldn't want me spaceing out in the middle of a lesson, would you?"

"Well if you did I wouldn't have to listen to you, so clearly it's the better alternative." I rolled my eyes.

"And thats detention." I could tell he was holding back a laugh from my stupidity.

Since I turned I've been way more angry, well, more on edge I should say. I keep saying things I wouldn't before, and to be honest, that was a terrible come back and it cost me my early finish to the school day.

When turned back to my work I could see regulus cheeks were bright red from holding in laughter.

"It wasn't that funny." I whispered as he got an elbow to the ribs.

"Eh, it was a little." He says in a breathy laugh.

I continued righting out the measurements for each stare with regulus, dreading what was to come next.

Soon enough I was sitting at the back of the same room, only this time it was empty, apart from the professor of course.

"Why do you always disrupt my class? You're great at the subject, do you hate me or something?" His deep voice soft but still kept its coldness, like a morning breeze in winter. Usually that type of tone would be comforting, but not from a male teacher.

"No, I'm not particularly fond of you to be honest. I don't have to, I show you more than enough respect, and I appreciate if you did the same.

"I don't like your tone young lady." He turned stern, his jaw clenched by his words.

"So? It's not my job to make you feel good." I folded my arms and sunk further down my chair.

He paused for a second, then his leather shoes pounded against the hard wood floor as made his way over to my desk.
He let out a sigh as he placed both his hands on the far corners of my desk, making his jaw soften.

"You need to find a way to direct than anger of yours. You have a fire in you, I want help you before that fire burns you, or a loved one." He had deep ocean eyes, ones that made you feel safe, but deep down something felt wrong about him.
The private lectures, the extra help, the 'looking out for my best interests', and the obedience he always expects of me.

"I'm perfectly fine with taking care of myself, I don't need your help." I kept my eyes on his, as my fists clenched and I could feel the liquid beginning to drip from my palm.

"You will." He said, almost smugly.

"Is that a threat?" I said as my blood began to boil.

"It's an invitation." A silence feel over us as he waited for my answer.

"You should leave, I have a class." He turned around if nothing had just happened.

I walked the long way back so I wouldn't run into anyone who paid enough attention to me to see the blood dripping from my hands and the claws that haven't left yet.

Amara's Pov
Late afternoon

"Thank you, for like everything." I said as I stacked my books hastily. I want to be ready before Maeve, since I didn't want her walking away before I could ask.

"That's all good, I like hanging out with you anyways." She smiled. I understand way Barty used I love potion on her, she is literally perfect.
Obviously I would never go that far, but I can see you someone would do it.

Like murder, I don't usually justify it, but I can understand why someone would do it.

"So, I was thinking maybe we could hang out some time. I mean, other than studying." I pressed my lips together to form a smile, it wasn't something that came easy to me.

She pause for a second, letting in an inhale to prepare for what I'm guessing is turning me down.
"Oh Um-"

"Not like a date or anything, just for fun." Her reaction made me Rephrase.

"Well, I'm not doing much this afternoon if your free." She shrugged, placing her books to the return station.

I grabbed ahold of her wrist to pull her away before she could make up an excuse, causing her let out a quiet yelp.
We rushed through the corridors, well, I pulled her behind me as I rushed through the corridors, but she didn't resist.

I know I'm a bit weird when it comes to social interaction, and that I can't really do the most mundane things like smiling. I mean I smile involuntarily, but when I do it do be polite... I don't really do it, but at least I'm self aware.

After a couple minutes the sandy brick walls were replaced with the trees of the forbidden forest.
I guess it's not really all that forbidden, I mean I'm always in here, and I always see the marauders down here at least once a month.

We walked in silence for about 30 minutes, It was nice though, calm. We admired the birds, the plants, the flowers.
I had to tell her sooner rather than later, but it was terrifying. What if she hates me? What if she wants to kill me? Well, that's probably a tad extreme, I don't she'd kill me now.

"Maeve," I sighed as I stoped walking, "does this place look familiar?"

"Yes, why?" Her turned to face me.

I looked over at the tree that had blood stains on it then back at her, taking a deep breath ready tell tell the truth.

"I know what you are Maeve, and I think you know what I am too." I stated calmly.
I half expected her to have claws, and her werecoyote blue eyes, but she didn't.
She was calm... as calm as she could be.
She seemed more confused than anything.

"I want to help you Maeve, but you need to let go of the marauders. They are only going to make this worse for you."

Sorry these chapters are so bland, I just need to set a lot of stuff up before I can get to the point.

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