25. Jealous girl- by Lana Del rey

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Maeve POV
Friday, third week

It's been two days since my fight with Remus, I tried reasoning with him again on Wednesday night but he and Sirius wouldn't listen.
Thankfully Peter and James believed me otherwise if be stuck in detention with people who hate me.

"Okay, you five are tasked with cleaning up the library today. Detention will be over once your done cleaning , so no mischief." Filch clucked.

"We can't be kept in here all day, i mean what about the economy?" James protested.

Filch rolled his eyes and shuffled out off the room.

"What the fuck does the economy have to do with this?" Sirius yawned.

James shrugged and pulled me and Peter to the other end on the library so I could be away from Remus.

I start picking up random lost books at the tables to put back away.

"Wait, are you actually going to clean?" Peter laughed.

"Yeah?... What do plan to do? Sit and wait for the grass to grow." I jested then pulled him off the floor.

"Well actually I thought somebody would get me a three course meal but, ya know. He shrugged and grapes some of the books I collected.

As started to put them away Saw James jumping around aimlessly.

"The hell are you doing?" I roll my eyes.


"Here, think fast." I toss a porcelain stick with feathers on the end of it to him.

"Ughhh!" James shrieked. "WHAT THE FUCK-ITY FUCK FUCK IS THATTT!"

"It's... a duster." I say confused. "It's concerning that you don't know that.

"Eh maybe."

"Well I've finished with the books so I'm going leave." I grab the new books I found and Walk out of the library but as I turn the corner all my fall onto the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Regulus starts to shovel up my book and hands them back to me.

"Thank you, bye." I try to walk away as quickly as possible but he just keeps catching up.

"Look I'm sorry I yelled at you the other day I didn't mean to- you just mean a lot to me and I didn't want you to leave me." He sighed.

"Apology accepted, but please leave me alone." I insisted.

"What wrong? You'd usually have some sass." He said jokingly even though he was concerned.

"Remus thinks in cheating on him with you and now he won't talk to me and I don't know if this means he dumped me or something." I Accidentally blurt out.

Why did I do that? I'm supposed to be staying away from him, not telling him my relationship is falling apart.
I just stare at him

"I-I'm sorry."

I run past him headed for my dorm.

Lily pov

"Lily! Thank Merlin you're here." Maeve sat down on her bed.

"What happened this time?" I joked.

"I think Remus is going to dump me and I told regulus even though he's the reason why we're breaking up." She put her head in her hands out of embarrassment and sat there panting from the run.

"Oh- that's not.. great." I put my book down and sat closer to her.

"I tried talking to Remus but he just won't listen, and now that regulus knows it's even worse." She huffed.

I didn't know what to say. It was easy to deal with Marlene and dorcas breaking up and getting back together all the time, but Maeve is practically in love with Remus. So, I just hugged her. She wasn't crying or anything, but she definitely needed a hug.

Regulus pov

Well shit. I just fucked everything up, she's never going to trust me.
-It's not like she did anyway.
Shut up.

How could Remus treat her like that, how could Maeve let him treat her like that.
I can't let Remus break her heart.
I can't let Maeve be hurt by him.
-and By you.
By me.

The doors slam shut behind me as I walk to Remus.
He's angry, really fucking angry.

"I need to talk to you." I keep some distance, enough so he can't punch me.

"Yeah you do." Remus struts up to me so he can look down on me.

-He thinks he's better than you, I can see why, you're practically kissing his feet for Maeve to just look at you.

"Ohhh, your doing that whole towering over me thing. You've really got that down huh?" I mocked.
"I guess it helps that you're like 12 feet tall, but that Frankenstein scowl really helps the whole helps the whole intimidation thing."

"What do you want?" Remus groaned.

I remember what I'm here for, Maeve.

"Well, I heard about you and Maeve," I try to sound as sincere as possible. "I need you to know that Maeve isn't cheating on you in anyway with me, the last time I saw her, we got in a fight because she didn't want to be my friend so stuff like this," I point at him me," doesn't happen."

"I don't believe this, she fucking told you." Remus turns away and laughs in disbelief.

"I just heard her." I tried to brush it off.

"You know what, you stay the fuck away from my girlfriend." He snarled.

-is he being serious right now?

"Fine." I sighed, turning around on the heel of my foot.

-are you going to let him talk to you like that? pussy.

"Actually," I let out a small laugh," I thought the two of you broke up." I began. "Yeah, I did, jeez... by now all the boys in the grade will think that. I bet that some of them just can't wait to get their hands on her."

Remus face looked burning red as I taunted him, I have to admit it was fun. I mean, he deserves it.

"A little advice... Keep Maeve close, if you're leaving her alone all the time, especially at late at night, can you really blame her for going to someone else." I smirked.
"I'm not saying it's me, but it's probably someone. Who knows, it could be one of your friends. I mean, her and Sirius have always been close, but they been a little strange around each other for a while now."
I sneered, then as I walk past I give him a pat on the back just to rub it in that little bit more.

I know it was probably wrong to talk about Maeve like that, but at least he'll listen to her now.


I hope you guys found the "Gilmore girls" bit funny, I might add a few of them in my story since in kind of see dean as Remus and Jess and regulus.

Word count 28,175

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