5. What does "friend" really mean

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Maeve's Pov
Main hall
Friday, fifth week

I started to walk over to my usual spot at the gryffindor table but I remembered the fight with Lily, and I suppose it's probably best if I sit somewhere else.

The marauders were an obvious no.
My eyes darted across the long table as I stood still in the walkway, I guess wasn't that liked even though I was popular because I couldn't find anyone else to sit with.

But thankfully I felt a comforting hand on my back.

"Come on, sit us with us." Regulus beamed.
It was obvious that regulus was excited to sit with his almost girlfriend/fling/a girl he kissed.

We hadn't really spoken about our relationship status yet, but it was nice to go with the flow for once.

Barty had stood up from the table as I sat down, I guess it was some sort politeness thing.
I was sat with regulus, Barty, Evan and Severus who was holding back a death stare.
Overall they were really welcoming which I was surprised by, I never thought of them as the nice type.

Peter's pov

"Is she sitting with them?" James asked the group with more than just disgust lining his tone.

"I know right, she chose Slytherins of all people, she regulus of all people." Sirius added as he turned around to look over at Maeve and his brother making conversation.

"Well who did you want her to hang out with? As much as we are known, not many people actually like us, it's not like she had many options." I explained, I was sick of everyone saying shit about Maeve.

"She's not a marauder." Remus said in a whisper as he looked down at his toast.

"And who's fault is that." I spat at Remus "you're the one that cheated on her and dumped her and you attacked her in the forest, all on the same night."

He stayed quiet for minute, they all did. I guess it was because I spoke for someone. I was always an observer, I still am, but this was to far.

Remus took a deep breath and let out a whisper, one that spoke as if I were an idiot.
"I didn't attack her. It was something else."

The heads of the marauders turned to face him so fast that they might have just broke their necks.

"What!" Sirius whisper yelled. "Is that what Maeve was telling you that day?"

The groups voices overlapping with questions for Remus, from 'why didn't you tell us?' To 'Who attacked her?'

"Can we do this some else?" Remus pleaded but his tone was more irritable.

I just wanted to know what really happened, I'm guessing everyone else did to because we all agreed to go back to our dorm.

We were all sat down on each of our beds ready for what Remus was going to tell us.

"I don't know who attacked her, I thought it was me but Maeve said it wasn't." He paused.

"Go on." James said with frustration. "I know there's more, other wise you would have told us earlier."

"It wasn't a werewolf that attacked her, it was a Werecoyote." And again Remus paused.

"Remus can you just spit it out, your going pale." Sirius had made it sound like he was making a joke but from the sweaty palms and clenched jaw he had, we could tell he was being serious.

"She got bit by a werecoyote, that means she's turned into one now, and I know this because she asked for my help and I turned her away." Remus blurted out. Tears rimmed his eyes but he wasn't sad. I don't know what it was.

"You turned her away!" I yelled jumping up off my bed and stomped over to him to point my finger in his face.
"You are a horrible person, you know what? You all are!
James, you are constantly talking shit about her for what happened with Lily when you know damn well it wasn't her fault!
Sirius, you cut her out of your life as much as possible while still seeing her everyday, just because you were being a big baby about the fact that Remus was in love with her!
And you Remus, well, it pretty obvious that your an arse to her so there's no point listing all the reasons, but you have no right to be!
I will not sit around and let you talk shit about my best friend when she has done nothing but be kind and caring to us!" I took step back from Remus who had guilty tears rolling down his cheeks, I was shocked by this hidden rage I had, this power and strength I had. I felt powerful, but I wasn't done yet.

"If this is who the marauders have become I don't want part in it." I stated calmly and coldly before closing the door behind me as I walk out my dorm to my next class knowing that I stood up for my friend and that I was stronger than I thought.


Hey everyone, sorry for the short chapter, I haven't been doing to well mentally lately and my anxiety been at an all time high, sadly this means that my updating will be a bit random.
On a lighter note thank you so much for the extra 100 reads I got yesterday, I really appreciate you all.

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