1. News flash- by current joys

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I slammed the door to the boys dorm shut as I ran out, I couldn't believe what I just saw. Tears burned my face as I ran down the stairs, I couldn't even cry, I just let my eyes rain, I didn't know what to do or where to go, I surely wasn't a Marauder anymore.

I was alone again.

It was good that it was nearly curfew, I didn't need the whole school knowing how fucked up I am.
I passed couples making out in the corridors aimlessly, hoping that I could find someone who could help me, or fix me.
I don't really know what I wanted, what I needed, or where I was going, all I knew was tonight was a complete disaster.

Oh my Merlin... I wish I never met you.

Six years earlier

Maeve walked into her room. It had a smell of rain and a somewhat dusty smell to the furniture, what little there was. A small tacky fold out desk that could be used as a bed side table, and a old single mattress.
She was happy the sheets were in good condition, her previous caretaker never bothered with those.

She admired each piece of new clothing she had been given, it was the same grey shirt and pants, and a grey dress that was basically just a really long shirt, but she had grown out of the clothes she currently had so even though the clothes were bad she was still thankful.

She traced her fingertips along the walls of the hallways as she walked to the dinning hall for lunch. The hall was full of long tables with long planks of wood along each side for seats, there wasn't many people there yet so that meant she had lots of choice, of course the end of a table in a corner seemed most inviting to someone wanting to avoid attention.

Everyone started walking up for a tray of food, one them for each child. Each plate mainly had, watery mashed potatoes, peas, and a sausage made from off cuts. It was actually quite yum compared to the other meals they had, considering it looked like something that would be given to prisoners.

People were still entering the hall as Maeve had finished her meal, one of those people happened to bump into her as she was leaving.

"Hey! Can you watch where your walking." A frustrated voice that belonged to a tall for his age, lanky boy with dirty blonde hair, and scars down his arms.

"I'm pretty sure you ran into me." Maeve scoffed, turning her body to face the rude boy.

He sighed, probably to calm down his unnecessary anger, then started to walk toward the food. He was about her age, 11, maybe a little younger.

Maeve checked her timetable to see what she has to do for the next few days.
Today was free, tomorrow was gardening, then the next day was studying, the day after that was physical activity. There wasn't much anyone needed to do since it was holidays.

St Edmunds was a crappy place, boys and girls were separated into different buildings and the only time they would see each other was at meal times, even then they had to sit at opposite sides of the hall. It sucked because She didn't get along with girls, she never knew why, She was basically the same as all of the them.

She could talk to boys, if they didn't like her they'd just tell her, or punch her in the face, whereas girls would just be fake. Thanks to St Eddy's stupid rule, She couldn't make friends with boys; thanks to her personality or general vibe, she couldn't friends with girls.

Maeve POV

"Ugh get off of me!" I pushed a girl onto the door after she pulled me back by my hair.

"Whacha gonna do 'bout it." muscular girl with straight black hair continued to taunt.

She went by the name Taneill turner, I hated her. She was the cruelest of my 11 year old peers and I was her favourite victim.

She throws a punch but I easily doge it.

"You step into your punch too much, it makes it impossible for me not to doge it." I laugh, putting my fists up ready for a fight.

"You little bitch!" She wraps her arm around my neck, strangling me in a dead lock from behind.

I bash my back into the wall to get her off me but before I could do some damage...

"Girls! Stop right this instant!" The Matron scolded.
"Now who is responsible for this?"

"It was Maeve miss, ask them." Everyone sided against me even though she was the one responsible.

"Hands on the table Maeve." Her voice was cold.

I walked with my tail between my legs through the two rows of girls, all of them pressed themselves to the wall to stay out of the matrons way.
I walked past her, towards the wood table,
She hit the cane on my knuckles even after they started to bleed.

"I learnt my lesson okay, my fingers are dripping in blood don't you think that's enough!" I yelled pulling my hands back from the desk towards me.

She was about to yell, but she realised that she did go to far. but didn't let me see anything other than a cold shoulder.
Maybe she thought that if she apologised it would make her seem weak, or maybe that she'd admit she was wrong, but god forbid a child be in the right.

"Fine, go get bandaged up." She turned and continued walking.

When I got to sick bay the boy from this morning was there, he looked like he got into a fight too.
I sat down next to him leaving my hands on the table stool next me so I wouldn't get blood everywhere.

"Maeve, what happened this time?" A young lady around 17 sighed.

"Got in a fight, the Matron wasn't happy about that, so she hit the shit out of my hands with her cane." I groaned and the boys eyes looked over at my bloody hands with empathy.
"But don't worry 'bout me, I'm leaving this dump soon."

"Is that so? The girl asked, not believing me.

"Yep on my way to some fancy boarding school." I jokingly boasted, knowing damn well that it wasn't something to joke about, this was life changing.

The boys eyes shot up to meet mine after I mentioned 'fancy boarding school,' I guess I'm not the the only lucky one.

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