8. revelation

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Again I was stuck in this situation, shivers ran down my spine, my chest became tightened and heavy. All I wanted was to run out of the room but I couldn't.
My mouth became dry and my jaw clenched as I sat down in the chair in front of Professor Pierce's desk while he looked through the bookshelf behind his chair.

"Maeve, there something I need to tell you." He said in a serious but warm tone, parental maybe.

"What?" I asked quietly.

I pressed my legs together tightly and put both my hands in a single firm grist in my lap, to stop myself from shaking.

He walked over to me, his footsteps were slow and his leather shoes made a low clap every time his foot hit the floor.
He made his way behind me, standing over me as I sat facing the other way.

"I'm guessing you know about the war." He asks softly but still keeping his serious tone.

"Obviously." I reply quickly, trying to sound like my usual self.

I was keeping my fear hidden well, that was until I felt his hand tug my hair behind my ear gently then continuing the movement by run his hand through my hair.

I would normally have no problem punching a guy in the face if he touched me like that, but the was something about this man, it was dark, evil. I could just sense it.

I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut so tight that the bridge of my nose wrinkled, I couldn't breath, I couldn't even try or else he would notice my 'discomfort'. Thankfully he was still behind me, so he couldn't see my panic, but that didn't matter because his hand found it's way to neck, he trailed he fingers down from behind my ear, along the skin to the nook of my neck.

I knew this was it, the moment every girl fears.
No one was coming to save me. I was alone with him and his silencing charm, no one would hear me if I called for help.

"You should know, I'm not really a professor, I just needed a way to get to you."

My blood ran cold, that voice belonged to a different man.

"Well, professor Pierce was, but I killed him, and that other professor you had before him. I forgot her name though." A cold, dark voice whispered in my ear.

The deep clap echoed along the floor again, until he was in front of me.

"You're- you're him." I quiver, I can hear my heart pounding in my ears, but I stay still, frozen.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you , not unless you make me. You're in complete control over how this conversation goes." He smirks, placing both his hands on the arm rests of my chair so he's towering over me, his face mer inches away from mine.

I swallow hard, realising an exhale followed by a sharp inhale.

"What do you want." I ask sternly through my catering teeth.

"You." He pulls his face closer to mine "I want you join my army." He continued in a whisper.
"The war is inevitable Maeve, you need to chose a side before your 'shot sitting on the fence'."

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm not a pure blood, but I guess you wouldn't care, because last time I checked. Tom riddle is a half blood." I regain my ego and sarcasm, just enough to look a little less scared,
Though I'm still shivering.

He licks his lips slightly before leaning back away from me with a humourless laugh.

He walks back around behind me pulling he face down my ear to let out a whisper.

"Well, just so you know, your parents are the ones who gave you up for me. They said you're a natural born killer." He smirks at sight of my fear.
"And considering how great of an asset your sister has been, I had to come see you." He let out a quiet chuckle as he pulled away.

My eyes burn, and my throat tightens at the mention of my sister, from the sound of it she was healthy. The condition she was in nine years ago she couldn't even dress herself.
My parents, if they want to use me, that means they'll let me see her.
I could see my sister again.
That thought broke me, letting a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'll do it-" I answered hesitantly, looking up at tall, brunette man.

"Good! So this is all sorted-" he cheered, in his own messed evil way.

"on one condition." I interrupted in a cautioned voice.

"Darling, I don't do 'conditions'." He smirked at my attempt, turning to face me again.

"You posed as a teacher for a year, I think you'll listen." I said in a sassed voice.

"Your the last one on my long list of candidates, all of them said yes, including one of your little friends." He taunted, pulling himself close to me again.

"I want you to promise I get to see my sister." I demanded in a whisper, pulling my face closer to his.

He raised an eyebrow at me, giving a slight nod with a downturned smile, before taking a sip of what I can only imagine is polyjuice potion.

He wore the body of the murdered professor again, and walked back over to the book shelf.

"The Slytherin's you befriended, they're with me..
I'll call on you when your needed, but for now, go." His blunt creep professor voice returned.

"He got me." I let out a half sob into his chest.

"Who?" Regulus pulled me form his chest, keeping his hands on my shoulders. He kept his gaze locked onto me, full of concern.

"Voldemort." Salted tears burn my eyes as I look into his.

With out questions he pulled up my sleeve checking for a dark mark, I could see the relief that washed over him when he saw my bare arm, he pulled me into his arms as I cry, he ran his hand through my hair, it felt although he was wiping that man's touch off me.

"It's okay, he got me too."


I know that the order and regulus being a death eater didn't happen util later, but this matches my story.


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