15. Jane

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Janes POV

My parents were always the type of people
who expected more than what was given to them.
When a person would show them human decency, they would be offended that the person in question didn't offer to sacrifice their first born to them.

But that didn't just apply to strangers, it applied to family as well.

For the first 8 years of my life I didn't notice this, mainly because they didn't do it to me.
But slowly yet surely I saw it.
The way they saw my sister as nothing more than a servant.
because she was healthy, strong, and capable everything that my parents didn't want to do was her responsibility, it was horrible enough that I felt like a burden to my parents because of my illness, but having to rely on your little sister to able to get dressed in the morning was a whole new level of hurt.

Maeve was the heir to our family legacy, which made her life even harder with the added pressure, and like I said earlier, my parents expected more than what was possible.
If she ever told them she was trying her best, it would always be answered with "do the best of someone better."
That saying stuck with me for my whole life and they never once said it to me, so I can't imagine how those words are grazed in her head.

After Maeve was sent away my life fell apart.
I didn't have any friends and my parents were always busy so I was completely alone.

I know that I portray my parents as assholes a lot, but they're not all bad.
I feel like it's more of a situational thing, I mean they love me and everything but they never have the time to show it,
Nevertheless all my parents work paid off in the end.

Voldemort rewarded my parents for their loyalty by returning me to health.
He really is the most powerful wizard of his generation, I had spent my whole life without finding anyone who could fix me.

I am forever grateful to him for what he did.
So my loyalty lies with him.

"Jane, I have news." My father said sternly with my mother following behind him as they sat at the dining table.
"Maeve has joined us, she is a death eater."

I paused for a moment.
I had just woken up so maybe I heard him wrong, they hadn't even mentioned the existence of my sister for nearly a decade.
Maybe they meant someone else,
I mean, why would they just talk about her as if it were something in the paper he read every morning.
"I don't understand."

"Voldemort has soldiers in Hogwarts, Maeve is one of them." My mother explained.

I was almost in physical pain from the shock, in a way I didn't know was possible.
I felt like my tensed muscles were crushing my bones and my chest was collapsing in one itself as if my heart were a black hole.

"My sister-"

"Maeve." My mother corrected.
"She hasn't been your sister for years."

"Maeve, do we have orders to meet with her?" I asked, praying that my hope that the corners of my mouth had shown, was covered by the casualty of my tone.

"Yes." My father gave me a hinted smile, obviously he noticed who hopeful I was.

"-but it is to be strictly professional, Maeve is no longer part of our family. She has been raised by other people and has very different ideals to us therefore she does not share the Ashford name." My mother interrupted, taking another sip of tea.
"If you can't do that, your father and I will go see her ourselves."

"Evelyn," my farther sighed "she's eighteen now, you can trust her with this mission."

"You can, I swear." I reassure my mother, lightly tapping my feet on the hardwood floor to hide my excitement.

"Good. You'll see her tomorrow and because you'll be on Hogwarts grounds you'll have to stay hidden..." My father began to order,
I stoped listening soon after, all I could think about was my little sister,
And how I couldn't wait to tear her life into pieces.
After all, she fucking deserved it.

Just a short chapter for now.
Thank you so for 2k reads!!!!
<3 <3 <3

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