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Sanjana's POV:

I got so hurt by the way he spoke with me, what does he think of himself. I went to the conference room and made sure everything is properly set
I told Jessica to inform him about the meeting.

Soon after some minutes he and Ankur sir along with a few more employees arrived.

Everyone sat around and he too sat in his place. He looked at me like nothing happened
I too just looked away. Now I actually know his character.
So I must not get upset by it. I need to keep our personal and professional life separate. I was angry at the night and morning issues that's why I just blasted at him when he entered the office.

The meeting started and I sat beside him as another girl led it and she took Mr. Drek on call. He kept his stern bossy look and didn't even glance at me for once. Really is he so angry on me? I thought sadly.

Suddenly his phone beeped when I looked at it, as it was just on top of the table beside me. I saw some girl's name flash in the notification 'Karen has accepted your request'

He took it and said a yes! Under his breath, his face changed into happiness and a kind of mischief smile. His total mood changed the whole meeting.

For a moment I wondered what was going on...But then, It must be his friend or even relative or someone known to him or getting this happy is not necessary...right? I explained it to myself.

Soon as the meeting ended he went out in a rush. I stood looking at his vanishing figure being still and shocked.

"Sandy!" Someone whispered my name close to my ear.

I came out of my thinking to see Ankur sir. He smiled but I just faked mine.

"Want a drop till your cubicle?" He asked chucking.

"Nah...Sorry I'll manage"
I said in a apologetic manner and walked out.

Half a day passed and he didn't assign me any work. He called for other employees and instructed them certain things
But not did he once think of me

It became lunch time, I went and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He said sternly.

I walked in opening the door he looked up through his laptop and his hazel met my blue. Why do I get lost in them? I thought to myself.

"Yes Sanjana what's the matter?"
He asked loud and clear.

"Sir, it's lunch time. Would you like to have it now or later?"
I asked to be polite.

"Hmm yeah okay fine!" He said and looked back into his work.

I went out to my place and took out his lunch box and brought it in for him. I kept it near him on his table.

"You made this at home?"
He questioned me.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Wow! Allu parathas!" He said smiling.

He became a small child for a minute. I too smiled looking at his face.

"Thanks Saanj!"
He said after taking a bite.

"Your welcome! Enjoy your meal!" I said and turned walking out.

I was at the door when his phone rang and he picked it up saying...."Hello Miss beautiful!"

I stopped my tracks right there.

"How are you doing?"
He asked with a joyful voice and smiling face.

"Hmm that's nice to hear! Yeah I am good too"
He said and chuckled.

"So, wanna meet up tonight at the club?" He asked.

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