His apology

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Sanjana's POV:

I'm sitting on the chair and Ankur sir is applying some cream on my ankel. I sat quietly in pain. Not physically but mentally more. He hurt me too much and my heart is paining me more than my leg.

"I'm so sorry Sanjana! I'm really sorry"
Ankur sir said with sad eyes.

"You don't need to be sorry. You have no connection to it"
I said and held his shoulder.

He held my hand and said...
"Sanjana I know him, believe me, he is not like this. He can never harm anyone. I don't know what's running in his mind. But this is not him"

"I know it's not him, there is something behind this behaviour of his. So, you don't need to be sorry for anything"
I said and with a half smile.

"That moron must thank his stars for getting an angel like you" He said and laughed scarstically.

I too just laughed it out...

"Hey, you're okay?" Sam came asking worriedly followed by Noel and Jack.

The guys whom I was sitting and talking with in the cafeteria.

"Why did Kabeer sir pull you like he caught his wife cheating on him"
Said Noel with a weird face.

Me and Ankur sir shared a nervous and knowing look. What are we going to tell them. I thought in worry.

"What did you do?" Asked Jack.

"Guys, Sandy can never do anything wrong. Sir must have misunderstood like always" Sam said annoyingly.

"Guys, chill!! Nothing happened to me, I'm fine"
I said looking at them seriously with a small smile.

"Do you think we are fools?" Asked Jack annoyingly.

"Guys cool down she is okay" Ankur sir tried to explain.

"Sir this is wrong, he can't behave like this with an employee. We too have some self-respect. He can't do whatever he wants. I won't tolerate this"
Noel said in anger.

"The whole office saw how he dragged her with him from the cafeteria till his cabin"
Said Sam equally being upset.

"Guys, seriously it's...

"And the whole office also saw the way Ankur sir brought you out of his cabin"
Jack said in the same way not allowing me to talk.

"How did you get hurt?" Noel asked me again suspiciously.

"Yeah answer this first!"
Said Sam arrogantly pointing at my leg.

"I just missed my balance"
I awaited my eyes from them and said.

"Yeah, you did because of the way he pulled you!"
Said Jack angrily.

"Okay, enough now you three!"
I said a little loudly not able to tolerate any more.

"Sanjana how can you be so cool about this matter?" Asked Noel shockingly.

"It's something personal between me and Kabeer sir, no one else has the rights to say anything. And I appreciate all your concern and understand your point. But for now I just know one thing, that Kabeer sir has done nothing and I'm not hurt because of him. I slipped and it was an accident. Now clear?" I said very sternly to all three of them.

"Unbelievable!" Noel said and walked out.

Jack also followed him out after leaving a long breath.

"I know there is something you're definitely hiding. Take care of your leg, I'm here if you need help"
Sam said softly and went out.

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