Is this Home?

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Sanjana's POV:

"Sanjana wake up dear"
I heard a soft voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Shikha di. She smiled and sat beside me as I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes.

"Had a good sleep I guess"
She said ruffling my hair.

"Yeah a bit" I said sheepishly.

"Your, brother came last night and gave your suit cases. I've kept it there"
She said and pointed out towards the closest.

I looked at that side and nooded.

"Wait, last night? Did I sleep the whole evening and night?" I asked with wide eyes and kept my hands on my mouth.

"I think... yes you did. I came to wake you up for dinner. But you didn't wake up. Even when your brother came, Kabeer tried waking you but, you didn't budge. So we let you sleep and rest" She said shrugging her shoulders with a small smile.

"I'm so sorry Shikha di, I have never slept for this long. I don't know how and why did I....

"Hey, cool down girly, I know.
I understand you are stressed and lot of things are running in your mind. So just chill"
She said and side hugged me.

"I thank my starts for have such a great sister in law"
I said hugging her truly.

"Awww... always here for you my sweetheart"
She said in baby voice.

We smiled at each other in happiness.

"Tomorrow you both are going back. I don't know when we will ge to meet again. So I have just called our few relatives home for lunch Just to show them your face and you to know who is whom. It's important. I hope you understand"
She said with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, di offcuse I do. It's okay. I'll try my best to behave well"
I said with a small smile.

She kissed my forehead and smiled.

"Thank you for not being mad at me and understanding"
She said taking breath of relief.

"Did Kabeer say something to you?" I asked in concern holding her hand.

"Forget it... he's like that only. You get freshen up and ready soon. They will all be on their way"
She said stood up with a smile.

"How many are coming?"
I asked in curiously.

"Ahh....around 12 or 13 just family and close friends so don't worry much"
She said and smilingly left.

I took a deep breath and got up. I went and took my suitcase and kept it on the bed. Opening it looking for something nice to wear. I can't wear anything odd. I think warring a saree would be better as I'm a new bride still. At least for the sake of family I can do this much. I took my clothes and went into the washroom.

Once, I was done I came out and stood infont of the dresser and looked at myself. I don't look bad this is a new saree bhabhi bought me many keeping Naman's family in mind. But anyways it's being used here.

I thought of keeping my make-up and jewellery simple. So I took out things from my purse accordingly and started to apply them on my face.

"Hmm.... not bad Sanjana. You look beautiful" I complimented myself smilingly into the mirror.

Then suddenly the door opened and entered in my husband. I gave no expression to him and looked back at the mirror. He too didn't speak a word and walked into the washroom taking his clothes.

"Sanjana!" He yelled suddenly.

I got worried for a minute and ran inside to see whats wrong.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

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