Divorce part 2

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Sanjana's POV:

We finally reached home. I mean his home. I gotta stay here until Sahil arrives.

He was very tired so he's off to sleep. I was sitting in the hall. Actually this is the first time I'm seeing his house. It's just so like him, everything is white, colourless, feeling less, emotionless.

I'm so hurt, not once did he ask me to stay with him. Two days ago he was behaving like my husband and now he's not even bothered as to where I will stay. He's so disgusting and annoying.

Even when I was with Sam on the phone telling him about everything, he had no reaction to my words. Not even when I said I'll join back work. But I have decided that I'm not going to be in this company for long. I'll leave from there also soon. Why should I be there and make myself feel awkward.

I got up and went towards the kitchen to see for dinner. I looked around for something to make, but I guess this kitchen is just for show. I got a lot of work to do here, how am I going to manage life long like this? I thought.

Sanajana you aren't staying here life long it's just two days why worry? My inner mind told me and I couldn't deny her.

Suddenly I heard the main door open. I came out of the kitchen to see a shadow of him pass with the door closing back.

He woke up? I thought to myself.

"Where did he go, how indecent of not even telling me?" I said to myself again.

I went near the window and saw him go out in his car. I huffed and got irritated for some reason I myself don't know. God!!! All this is so annoying.

I came and sat back on the sofa and slept off, but for a moment tears rolled down for God knows why.........


I tossed and turned under something really soft and cozy.
I'm feeling a warm hug of some blanket which feels like bare skin. But I'm liking the feeling of it. I tucked myself in more, now I can get a inciting fragrance. This is weird...

I slowly opened my eyes, and never did I dream of this situation. He's holding onto me tightly and fast asleep. He is bare body only with his trousers on.

Dammit Sanjana how the hell did you land up here?
I mentally scolded myself.

I tried to move but, obviously can't. He's so huge and strong even in his sleep. But suddenly I got feelings that I never felt before. I traced his handsome and perfectly structured face. How did God make this man? I thought in wonder.

I kept my plam on his cheek and he moved his face slightly, I took my hand back. I chuckled softly and again pinched his nose lightly. He snorted but also pulled me closer. Now I can feel his breath on my face and I'm sure he can feel mine.

I've never seen any guy from this closes. Though I have no problem with this one. Hehehe....

Why did he marry me? And now he wants to even leave me? What's his motive behind all this? Again questions started to arise in my mind. Water stood inside my eyes.

I don't know what got into me at the moment and I arched my head and kissed his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Shit! Damit!" I cursed myself.

He pulled me more closer and bent his head touching his forehead with mine. Quitely we kept looking into each other's eyes. Why his he so secretive. There are many things hidden behind these hazel orbs.
I thought to myself.

His lips touched my cheek... I blinked in shock.

He left me and got up, he walked straight into the bathroom. I lay like a log. What the hell just happened here? I asked myself in wonder.

I shook my head got up and walked out. I came near the kitchen sink and splashed some water on my face. I took deep breaths to calm my mind.

Sanjana control your hormones you aren't staying here for long.
I told myself loud and clear.

I thought of making breakfast and started to look for things.
Thank God at least there is bread, butter, eggs and fruits available in this house. But wait last night when I checked nothing was there. How did all this come here now? I wondered...

Sanjana you dumb woman, obviously your husband went out last night, he's bought them. My inner mind spoke sense into me.

"Good, something sensible he did till now"
I spoke softly to myself.

I made some tost and boiled eggs. I cut an apple and peeled two oranges and made juice out of them. I know he wouldn't want coffee now, he'll have that at work. Being his secretary for a year and a half I know him well.

I heard footsteps coming, my back was truned but I felt him standing far. I truned around to see him fully dressed in his work outfit. My eyes widened and jaws dropped looking at the handsome devil infont of me. I soon change my expression and arranged the food on the table and ran inside the room.

I came in and held onto my racing heart, God knows why is this happening with me? I got myself together and started to get ready for work. The only thing I'm happy about is my job. I'm so very excited and happy to be back to my same job. I came out after dressing to see he's no where to be found. For a minute I got a bit upset. I came and saw there's a envelope and another note on the dining table.

I opened the envelope and did not expect it so soon...

Divorce Agreement.

This mutual divorce Agreement between Mr. Kabeer Singhaniya (husband) and Mrs. Sanjana Singhaniya (wife) to part ways in their marriage as the couple has no compatibility with each other and neither any physical or emotional connection.

The marrital court of law government of India has given permission for the couple to give a closure to their relationship after the 6 months of trail course.

Signature of the Judge:

Signature of the lawyer:

Signature of Husband/ Wife:

Tears rolled down my eyes and a pain arose in my chest. I did not know how to exactly handle the situation. I wiped my tears and picked up the other note.

By now you should have opened the envelope if not, then please do that first and then read this note. Come to work as you always did. Your position of being my secretary will be changed and you will only be the chief designer. No one will know about our relationship and nothing will change at work.
PS: Thanks for breakfast, but you don't need to worry about me or my stuffs anymore.
I've not yet signed the papers you do them first and I'll do it after we submit it in the court.

I crushed the paper and threw it into the bin. I looked at the divorce papers and kept it back into the envelope. I took my bag and walked out of the house in a unexplainable emotion running inside me.

.............................Next chapter

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