His emotions

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Kabeer's POV:

So, here we both are sitting in the car on the way to meet our client Mr. Daniel. His daughter is getting married next month. So their whole family's clothes are going to be taken care of by us. He sent us a restaurant address to meet up.

While driving I kept peeping at Sanjana in the middle. This is not the first time I'm driving her as she's my assistant, we go for meetings together and it's fun, also interesting even if there is no conversation.

I looked at her 34, 26, 34...and she is damn a boom. Any man will want her at once. I'm not looking at her in any wrong way, just saying...heehee

She is working on something on my laptop, with her messy bun, wearing glasses, holding the pen in her mouth. I wish I was that pen right now. Heee....heee!

Glancing at her in the middle has now become a part of my driving. Something is happening and I'm unknown to these feelings. Whenever I'm angry, as her beautiful face comes to visions all my anger vanishes in thin air. I just don't know how it happens and I'm definitely used to her claiming me down when I'm angry.

Seriously this girl has changed the way of my lifestyle in just a few days. What's happening to my mind and heart I can't guess. It's all happening for the first time.

"Kabeer, check this!"
She said breaking the chain of my thoughts.

I looked at whatever she showed and cleared her confusion. Suddenly a stran of hair fell on her face. My hands automatically went up to her face and put them at the back of her ear.

She looked at me and smiled. I focused back on driving.
Kabeer control your hormones. I told myself seriously.

We reached the place and it's a beautiful pool side restaurant with pretty flowers all around. The dim lamps in the evening gives a peaceful effect to the surroundings. I liked the place, though I've never been here in these many years.

You only visit bars, this is a family restaurant.
My inner mind spoke to me. I ignored it though.

"Kabeer, there Mr. Daniel" Saanj said to me.

I looked over as he stood wavering at us from far.
I waved back and we walked to him. Greeting each other by a handshake we sat opposite each other.

Then he spoke...
"Hope you guys didn't have a problem coming here"

"Nope, actually this is the first time I'm visiting here"
I said with a small smile.

"Ho that's nice" He replied the same way.

"Sir, I've designed everything as your daughter wanted. Please have a look"
Said Sanjana and passed him over the laptop.

"Ho, I don't need to see it. I trust my daughter's taste"
He said laughing refusing to look at the designs.

Soon the waiter came to take our orders.

"Please first say what you guys would like to have. We will discuss everything once my daughter comes"
Said Mr. Daniel smiling.

The watier stood ready for our orders. Before I could open my mouth to say anything.

"One Americano and one strong lemon soda"
Sanjana told him.

He nooded and went. I looked at her and mouthed a thank you. But how did she guess I wanted a lemon soda. That's shocking. I did not say anything. This girl is full of surprises. I thought to myself.

Soon our orders and his daughter Mia, came and joined us. We discussed and finalized everything according to Mia and her likings. Her father said not to worry about money and only do as his daughter wants. That daddy's girl, daddy's princess and shit. How do these men waste so much of money on their kids.

Once our meeting got over we left. On the way, I looked at her and she looked a little upset to me. Like in some deep thinking. I thought to ask or not.

"Sanjana, what's wrong? You look tensed"
I asked out of curiosity.

"Hmmm...ahha nothing"
She said coming out of her thoughts.

"You can share with me"
I said with an assuring smile.

She gave me an blank look and looked out of the window. I thought of not pushing it too much and let it be for now. She looks upset and I don't want her to get more mad.

Suddenly she said in a hurry...
"Kabeer, stop the car now"

I immediately held the breaks without asking why. I got shocked to say firstly. She got off and walked fast. I got out too in confusion. I looked she crossed the road and went to help an old couple who were arranging their road side shop.

A smile creeped on my face. Even in her trouble, she thinks of helping others. I too crossed over and went to her.

She saw me and a big smile came on her face too. We both helped the couple close their shop.

"Kids, just wait here for a moment" Said the old lady.

We looked at each other wondering what could it be. Then that lady came out with a small bag in her hands. She gave it to Sanjana.

"There are sandwiches in here. Have it on your way"
She said and patted her cheek.

"Aww...thank you aunty" Sanjana said smiling in happiness.

"This was not necessary aunty" I said politely.

"Even your help was not necessary but still you two did"
Said that old man.

We gave him a sheepish smile.

"Nowadays, it's very difficult to find good kids like you" Said that aunty smiling emotionally.

"You both look great together. Always stay together"
Said the old man.

Sanjana and myself looked at each other, before we could say anything.

That lady spoke again...
"Honey, let them go home now. Stop making them blush"
And they both laughed.

We both were actually blushing. I quickly hid my emotions. Not wanting to be more embarrassed.

"Visit our shop once again!" Said that aunty.

She hugged us and we left. There was silence again.

"Want to have a drink?"
I asked her hoping for a positive answer.

She looked at me and shook her head saying no.

"I do...so let's go" I said and truned the car towards the bar.

"No, Kabeer please. I want to go home. I don't want to go anywhere now" She whinned.

She's never like this, in the morning she was fine. Then what happened suddenly.

I quietly truned the way back to her house.

"Stop the car I'll get off here" She said again.

I didn't say a word and stopped the car. She got out and looked at me. Her face held an unknown emotion.

She took a deep breath and faked a smile and said....
"Thank you for the ride. You can now go whenever you want. I need to meet my fiance"

For some reason I got pissed hearing her mention about her boyfriend. I just nodded and truned again towards the bar. Now definitely I need a drink.
Why am I so affected by this girl. Let her do anything or go with anyone she wants. Why do I care, she is just my employee. I told myself and tried to hold on to my feelings.

I entered into the bar and sat on the counter. I ordered my usual drink. Why do I feel like I'm cheated. It's so horrible. But something inside me says. That last smile for hers was not a good one. Her face held fear and she looked tensed and worried about something. I don't know what happened to her suddenly. She was fine the whole day. But I can't help her if she doesn't want my help.

............................Next chapter

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