Her Intentions

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Sanjana's POV:

Three Months Ago........

Up to now, working with Annie I've got to know that she doesn't like me, and she won't allow me to succeed in anything. All my designs thus far, she has rejected. I'm so annoyed. I don't know what to do in this situation.

"Hey, Sandy what's up?"
My co-worker Sam came and tapped my shoulder while I was sitting with my head down.

"Sam I'm just annoyed!" I said huffing and holding my head.

"I know, working with the witch is not easy" He said giving lite pressure on my shoulder.

"She's not allowing me to do anything Sam. She's just..."
I huffed and closed my eyes in frustration.

"Relax Sandy!" He said and side hugged me.

"Get up" He said lifting me up my chair.

"Let's go catch some fresh air and a good cup of cold coffee to cool your heated brains"
He said smiling.

I smiled back at him for his care. We both walked out hand in hand. I actually needed a break. Sam is a very nice guy, he has been very close to me amongst others. I like him a lot. We went to one nearby cafe and sat at the counter instead of the tables around.

"2 glasses of cold coffee please" Sam ordered the attendant to which he nodded.

"Clam your mind, relax ok"
He said holding my hand.

"Hmmm..." I just nodded taking a deep breath.

"Okay listen just close your eyes, and take deep breaths and don't think of anything or anyone. Just be cool" He said and I did as he instructed.

After a few seconds I actually felt lite. I loosened my body and sat calmly. I opened my eyes to his smiling face. I also smiled happily looking at him.

"How's your finance?"
He asked as our orders came.

"He's good, we hardly talk much. He's busy with his own work" I said lamely taking a sip of my glass.

After a sip of his glass he licked his lips and asked me being confused..."How the hell are you two going to get married?"

I chuckled rolling my glass on the counter...
"That's how it is I guess"

"Seriously man, how can you do this to yourself?"
He asked again in wonder.

"I had no other choice. It was a give and take option. I needed to come here, so I had to accept the proposal"
I said leaving a heavy breath.

"Fine...at least now work on your relationship. You aren't going to live a loveless life, are you?" He said irritatedly.

"There is nothing to work on or for, he wants to get married for a hire, he told me on the very first day of our engagement that he doesn't want any love or any kinda emotions in our relationship. This marriage is only for business" I said sadly as my eyes almost had tears.

Sam kept his hand on mine again and giving me a soft sad smile.

"I can't understand how your parents did this to you"
He said leaving a long breath.

We sat in silence for sometime when suddenly, Sam shook my arm slightly. His face looked shocked and worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked him confusingly.

He pointed behind me. I truned and my eyes popped out. I was more than shocked.

Annie with a guy!

What is she doing here? And who is with her? Sam held my hand and ran to the opposite direction as we hid ourselves behind a big flower vase table.

"That guy is the secretary of Mr. Han, of Glamour House" Sam whispered in my ear.

"What are they doing together here?" I whispered back.

"I'm sure Annie is planning something big. She's not bringing good news for us"
He said in a serious tone.

They both exchanged some files and he handed her a black briefcase then they both left from there.

"Sam should we inform Kabeer sir, he needs to know"
I said in worry.

"I don't think he will believe a new employee over his trusted share holder's daughter"
He said giving a valid point.

"Then what to do? We need to do something" I said in tension.

"We first need to find out what exactly she is planning and then only we can do something" He said to which I nodded in agreement.

We went back to office and I started to keep my eyes on her. When she was not around, I went to her cabin and tried checking everything possible.
But got nothing...

I came out and told Sam this is not a easy job. We waited and followed all her actions. But got nothing... Then after a week
in the middle she took half day off and went out. Sam got the chance and followed her. I waited for him in anticipation. I was fish out of water till the time he came back. I again went to her cabin just in case I got something and to my luck, I got a very useful thing.
This woman had sent all my designs to someone named Shawn Mandis. She had emailed all my designs to him.

I took a copy of everything and left from there. Once Sam came back he showed me a recording. In that we could clearly hear the conversation between Annie and that same guy from the cafe.

We then decided to play Annie in her own game.

Present time:.....

"Me and Sam had already told everything to our switching department head Felicia. Even she agreed and helped us. We made a separate team and started working on it"
I said when we entered the room where all the readymade designs were kept.

"Guys, what have you people done?" Ankur sir asked in confusion and excitement.

"These costumes are more than beautiful" He said agian going and touching the mannequins.

"Sam, Sanjana great job"
He said again looking at us proudly.

"Felicia, how did you even manage with all the work?" Kabree sir asked her.

"It was difficult, but I somehow did it with Sanjana and Sam's ideas and the workers extra help" She said with a smile.

Kabeer sir locked his eyes with mine and I just smiled at him. He just had a blank expression on his face.

"Kabs, all these clothes here are designed by Sanjana and Sam they put a lot of effort"
Said a smiling Felicia.

"Then what about the designs that Annie took away with her? Aren't they too yours Sanjana?"
Asked a confused Ankur sir.

"Those designs were made by Jessica and we made Annie believe that Sanjana had done them" Sam solved his confusion.

"Damn girl you are a genius" He came and gave me a bone crushing hug.

I laughed and was happy that we are successful in our plan.
Me and Sam shared a relief and honest smile.

"But, what are we going to do about the models? Liam too ditched us by joining hands with Annie"
Kabeer sir said still in stress.

"Ho my God! Then who will wear these dresses on the ramp?"
Felicia exclaimed in worry.

"This woman is unbelievable!" Sam said in frustration.

"I got an idea!" I said looking at all of them.

"Sanjana are you an idea machine?" Ankur sir asked me with a chuckle.

I gave him a sheepish smile.

"What is it?" Kabeer sir asked me with narrowed eyes.

I took a deep breath and said............

.............................Next chapter

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