Is it...'the end'?

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Kabeer's POV:

I filed a strong case against Rahul. He doesn't know what I'm capable of doing. He won't be out till the time I want. Whatever he may try he can never come out. I spoke with Sahil and told him to make his parents understand. He was too fuming in rage against Rahul. But I told him not to worry and I got things I my hands.

Today we have an important seminar and I need to be very careful with everything. This will affect my company's status. As it's going to stream live...more of like a live advertisement. But also all the board members will be there.

I heard a knock on my door...
"Come in Sanjana" I said loudly.

She came in and sat on the chair keeping a file with a loud thud. I looked up at her fuming face and narrowed my eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" I asked wondering.

"How did you know it's me?" She asked me back.

"I just know, tell me what's with your grumpy face?" I said looking back into my laptop.

"I need these approval papers signed by you" She said and handed me over the file.

I took them and gave them a glance, I asked her...
"But why do you look more upset and angry?"

" did you...guess?" She whispered in shock.

I looked up at her with a stern face and said...
"I have built up some sensing power when it comes to you I guess"

She looked down and chuckled and I smirked.

"So now tell me what's with your mood?"
I asked signing the papers

"Mom called me to India right away to sort things out with Rahul's family" She said leaving a heavy breath.

Hearing his name my blood boiled. I just gripped the pen in my hand tightly and closed my eyes for a moment to clam myself down. I took a long breath and looked at her.
She already has tears in her eyes. She wiped them and settled her hair.

"Sanjana just finish this matter for once" I said seriously.

"It's not that easy as you think. My father wants me to marry him or someone else but by the end of this month he will get me married somehow to someone"
She said and held her head.

"But why is he behind your marriage?"
I asked being fed up.

"Because he thinks I slept with Rahul and he needs to get rid of me soon before I get pregnant and I need to do as he says" She said huffing sadly.

"Say you have a boyfriend and you won't marry anyone else"
I said giving her an idea.

She snorted and said...
"And if they say marry him right now, will you marry me?"

"What?" I asked in shock.

She gave me her sadist smile and getting up she said...
"Don't bother yourself, I'll try to manage the matter or else resign and get married to someone who they want"

I just kept numb and looked at her fading figure. I sat in dase and worry. How the hell to get her out of this problem.
I have no idea.

Then suddenly I thought to call Sahil and speak with him. I took my phone and dailed his number. It rang for sometime but he did not pick up.

My cabin telephone rang on the desk. I picked it and said

"Sir, your next meeting is within half an hour please be ready"
She said being all normal.

How can she do this man? This girl is something different. I thought to myself.

"Yeah I got it!" I said and cut the call.

After the meeting ended well, I wanted to talk with her but couldn't. I got a call from my sister and started talking by then Sanjana already left. My sister told me to do a video call as it was my niece's naming ceremony. I had to attend it.

Later I came back home and tried calling her but she didn't pick up. I messaged her, seen but no reply. God this girl is so tough to handle at times. I thought in frustration and just let it be for now. I'll talk with her in the morning tomorrow. Let her take rest now.

It's been three days and she has been ignoring me and not talking properly. I have no idea what's going on. But I need to speak with her. Sitting in my cabin, my thoughts were interfered by her knock.

"Come in!" I said loudly.

She opened the door and came in, I gave her a slight smile. But she looked sad and upset. I know to read her enough. She came and stood looking at me with an undescribed emotion.

She kept quit till I asked her...
"What's the matter? You look worried. Is everything okay?"
I tilted my head in wonder.

"Everything is fine, I just came to give you this" She said in a nervous voice and fake smile.

I can see her holding back the water in her eyes. She passed me an envelope on the table. I gave her a weird look and opened the envelope and took out a letter from it, my eyes widened and I stood up in shock.

"What the hell? Your resigning? But why?"
I asked fast in worry.

"Sir, thank you for all your support but I can't work here anymore due to some personal issues" She said being as formal as possible.

I crushed the pice of paper in my hand and threw it down. Anger rose up like fire inside me. I walked close to her and held both her arms in my hand. She looked up at me with fear. I can feel her shivers and heavy breathing.

"Sir, what are you doing?"
She asked looking down.

"You are not going anywhere, fuck the personal reason of yours" I said on her face in a deep voice.

"Sir, I can't stay here anymore.
I have to go. This was my time limit. And ours too!" She said these words in a kind of emotion that took me back.

Tears flew down her eyes and she walked away. I stood at my sport not knowing what to do next. I just left the office in anger and went to a bar to cool myself down.

.............................Next chapter

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