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"I can't believe this. Julie is so.. nice, she couldn't do such a thing. Here, we'll ask her about it when she comes out of Poppy's." I said, looking away from him and towards the front door of the barn.

Wally opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but was cut off by the swing door creaking open. I watched Julie walk down the porch with a new bracelet and her tray of cookies. She waltzed over to us and frowned a bit as she caught sight of the fallen cookie.

"Awh, I'm sorry. It must've been blown out of your hand. Here, have another one! There's plenty." She said happily, holding the tray out again.

Wally held his hand out in front of me and gently pushed the tray back, causing Julie's eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"Julie, where were you last night?" Wally said, keeping a monotone voice.

Julie rolled her eyes and began to walk down the path. Wally and I scurried behind her, trying our best to keep pace with her.

"What is this? An interrogation? Don't I need a lawyer." She said, not daring to look back at the two of us.

"Julie, please! We just need to ask you a few more questions. It's important." I said, trying to be polite.

Wally became fed up. He reached his hand out and yanked Julie back, causing her cookie tray to go flying towards the ground. Julie gasped as she watched her beautifully iced cookies pile onto the yellow path. She ripped her arm out of Wally's hand and turned around. It was safe to say she was beyond mad.

"What is wrong with you??" She shouted, looking close to tears.

"Julie- I'm sorry, Wally didn't mean to do that-" I tried consoling, only to be cut off by a very angry Julie.

"Shut up! I was with Sally last night. We were trying to find ways for me and Frank to become friends again. You both are letting this stupid mystery go to your heads!" She yelled, a single tear dripping down from her left eye.

I glanced over at Wally, now noticing how.. empty his eyes looked. I turned back to Julie and slowly made my way to her, reaching out and wiping away the tear that had sprung from her eye.

"I'm truly sorry, Julie. Last night something strange happened and it scared Wally. He thought it was you. Is there anyway we can make this up?" I pleaded, glancing towards the fallen cookies and taking her hand in mine.

Julie looked from Wally to me, squeezing my hand in hers and smiling slowly. She brought it up to her face and rested my hand on her cheek, practically smiling into it.

"Well, there is something you could do." She started, looking up at me lovingly. "Could you accompany me as I fix things with Frank? I get nervous with confrontation." She whispered.

I smiled and nodded, slowly removing my hand and watching Julie's smile fade a bit as I did so. Julie turned away and began to walk along the path much slower this time. I turned back to Wally and motioned for him to come along, he took a few moments of hesitation before following behind me. We walked in awkward silence until we reached the empty walkway of Frank's home. Julie hesitantly made her way onto the porch and up towards the door, tensing as she raised her hand to knock. I made my way up and stood next to her, giving her a comforting smile. Julie smiled back and sighed, finally knocking four times on the door. The door swung open right away, showing all of Frank as he stared down at Julie.

"Julie? What are you doing he-" Frank started, being cut off by Julie hugging him.

"I'm sorry, Frank! I don't want to keep fighting with you. I hate having secrets between us but I should've just talked to you like a normal person about it. Can you please forgive me?" Julie said, sniffling.

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now