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*Ring* .......*Ring* ........*Ring*

"Hello...?, Did you call me to wish New year in this midnight..? What a sweet Brother. "

"Ah...shut up Beomgyu. It's a serious matter."

"I knew it. I was wondering why my hyung is calling me in new year this much early. So tell me what's the matter?"

"Something happened in the campus"

"Oh.. Again"

"Yeah a dead body is founded from the ground floor. Body is identified it's second year student An Yu-Jin. "

"Oh...one more murder"

"No, it's not decided. The body was founded by some students who came to celebrate New year at midnight. Body was like falled from the building. Probably from the roof top. Because her things are found from there. Everyone is saying it's a suicide because she was depressed from few days. She was a brilliant student but nowadays she was also skipping the class and founded by her friends while crying in empty places. Everyone is saying that it's because of her girlfriend Lee Hyunseo who breaked up with her for her best friend Jang Won-young. He was depressed because both her girlfriend and bestfriend cheated her."

"Oh clichè love betrayals."

"Anyway come soon"

"Hmm yeah I coming"

Boemgyu looked to his phone which showed the time 12:53 . He got from his bed and changed his dress. Some serious thought were going through his mind. Even though he said his Soobin hyung that the story behind the death is clichè he was thinking too deep about it.

Choi Beomgyu was a third year student of the HYBE. From child hood itself he wanted to be a detective. Maybe he wanted to become it because growing up seeing his detective father. Beomgyu was the only son of the most famous detective of the South Korea,Choi Chang-Min. His father was a single parent. He was the greatest inspiration of Boemgyu. Even through he was a very busy person he was a great father to Beomgyu. His mother died in an accident when he was two years old.

Beomgyu's cousin Choi Soobin who is a year older than him was like his own brother. Everyone thinks that they are original brothers. Soobin's parents were divorced when he was five. At that time Beomgyu's father invited his sister and her son Soobin to his house. From that time Soobin and Beomgyu were living in a same house like brothers. Even though they fought 24×7 . They loved eachother very much but didn't expressed which is a usual sibling's thing.

Soobin was the last year student of HYBE and also were the leader of student's council. Soobin was always really stressed about the things happened in the collage because he is in a responsible position. Which was always a headache to him.

Boemgyu took his phone before leaving his room. He closed the door of his room very slowly not wanting to wake up his roommate. He slowly walked to the exist and was about to left the dorm.


"Ah, Taehyunaah"

"Happy New year hyung" Said the pink haired youngest showing his master piece smile.

"Happy New year Kitty" Said the tallest while smiling fondly before ruffling the younger one's hair.

"But, seems like it's not a happy one"

"What happened Hyung? And where were you leaving.?"

"Something happened in the campus again. A dead body is founded"

"Oh... Again...?" The youngest was really shocked hearing it . Even though these types of events are continues in the campus the increasing cases always made him scared and anxious.

"It's not sure that it's a murder or not, it must be find out. I was going there."

Younger was worried after hearing the news . Beomgyu noticed it so he went near him and hold him by his shoulders. And said

"It's fine Kitty. Don't worry. Go to sleep after locking the door. I will be back soon ok"

By this he turned to leave.


Beomgyu turned to face the younger.

"Can I come...?"

"I will suggest not to come because it's midnight. It's not seem safe. But if you want to come then you can . But you have to stick with me all the time"

"ok hyung I will"

"Then fine"

"Give me a second hyung I will be back after changing the clothes"


Taehyun left to his room to change. Boemgyu sat on the sofa waiting for his roommate but his mind was still not there.

Kang Taehyun is the second year student in HYBE. Beomgyu met Taehyun years before. Taehyun was little brother of Famous Hacker Sakura. Beomgyu know Sakura by his father. And Beomgyu also had worked with her. There were a good friendship between them. Almost five years ago he had met him with Sakura once. That day Sakura introduced them to eachother. After two years they met again. Beomgyu's Roommate was graduated and he was having a new roommate. He was little uncomfortable about it because Beomgyu was an introverted one who only showed his true cheerful side to his close ones. For others he was less talkative and a serious one. His previous roommate also viewed him like that. He think that his new roommate will also be someone whom he will not feel his comfort zone.

Taehyun was a fresh man coming to a new campus. He was an extrovert but still a clam one who speak less. He only know only two persons in the campus. First was his childhood bestfriend Huening Kai who was joining with him as a freshman and other was Huening Kai's cousin Choi Yeonjun the last year student. Taehyun came with Huening Kai but they both parted ways to found thier room. When he reached his room he saw a familiar face there. Same like him the other one was also looking at him.

The oldest who is not much fond of speaking to other's , only looked at him with curious eyes. Atlast Taehyun breaked the silence with an awakard 'Hi' . In response he got the Same. At first it was little awakard between them. But no-one thought that Taehyun will became one who Beomgyu showed his true sides. Not only that, in these years Taehyun became a very close and special person to Beomgyu. Beomgyu always take cared off Taehyun. Taehyun became Beomgyu's little kitty and Beomgyu became the one whom which Taehyun always depends on. They became so much fond of each other.

Taehyun came out of his room. Wearing a black hoodie and dark pants.

"Shall we.?"

"Yeah, Put the cap on your head kitty it's so cold outside"

Taehyun did the same and leave with his hyung.


Gyzz how was the chapter. Did you like it.? Please let me know if there is any flaws. Let's meet again in next chapter byeee👋

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