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Hello everyone. From today I am starting a new Mystery thriller Story 'DECTECTIVES' . I hope everyone will like it . If you like it please support me.



Story is about the events happening in the famous detective collage, HYBE. Continues mysterious events happening in the college made everyone anxious. Even murders happened in the campus. At first everyone thought it must be a physco serial killer behind all this. But after continues investigation they came to a conclusion that it is not a single person doing all this. The murders have no connection. In investigation it is found that there are different culprits for all cases. So solving the cases will be so hard. It is only thing which was founded through the investigation. There were no more growth in the cases. They can't found even a culprit of any cases. All cases remained unsolved. Because of the continuous issues many students left the campus. That affected the collage so they decided to solve the problems fast.


I will update as soon as possible and will try to make the story intersting.

So shall we begin....?

DETECTIVES [Taegyu]Where stories live. Discover now