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"Appa, give me the doll!" the little girl exclaimed, hands making a grabbing motion to support her demand. Her lips, which had jutted into a pout, pulled to the sides until they mirrored the bunny smile of her father when he gave the adorable almost two years old her doll.

"Unbelievable," I mumbled with a fascinated smile, fondly shaking my head, "how much she has grown since the last time you visited. She's grown so tall already!"

Areum sighed – half happy, half exasperated – from her seat next to me on the couch while watching her daughter with adoring eyes. "Isn't she? She basically grows out of her clothes every week, we always have to buy her new stuff! Let's see if she'll end up as tall as Binnie in a few years."

We chuckled as we watched Suryeon toddling over to Taehyung, who she – upon meeting for the first time – had already declared to be her hero and ultimate favorite play-buddy, stating her undying love and her decision to marry him (which had completely destroyed Areum, rendering her to a puddle of laughter on the ground as she had giggled uncontrollably, yapping for air, only barely managing to hold her panicking husband back, who was about to pull their daughter aside to give her a little lecture on why marrying TaeTae wasn't appropriate.)

"It feels like a miracle and a blessing each time anew when I remember that we created that precious little bundle of joy," Areum softly smiled, watching Suryeon fondly before looking down on herself, lightly patting herself on the stomach. "And miracle number two is already on the way."

Her words made Soobin caress her not-so-prominent (yet!) baby belly fondly, and I couldn't help but coo at the cute sight. There was no doubt that I would love their second baby just as much as Suryeon, though I did feel sad that in the coming months, I wasn't going to see any of them.

"By the way," Areum began suddenly, and I turned towards her, gifting her all my attention, "would Jimin and you like trying for a baby too? Like no pressure, I can understand if you wouldn't – having children requires a lot of work, time and effort," she added.

As though to underline my raven-haired friend's statement, Suryeon decided that it would be a good idea to load up all of her toys (and there were a lot – Areum and Soobin liked to spoil their daughter after all, and who could fault them for that) into Tae's arms, squealing in protest every time one fell. The boxy-smiling idol indulged her happily, though, his love for children obvious in the crinkling of his eyes and the little noises he made while playing along.

"But your wedding was already a year ago..." Soobin continued where his wife had left off, trailing off, which gave me a perfect opportunity to reminisce, my eyes finding Jimin, who was playing with Suryeon as well. I unconsciously smiled as I remembered that significant day.

Ah, our wedding. It had been beautiful in its simplicity – nothing ostentatious, not too many guests – only the Chois and the Lees and the HYBE choreography team from my side, and the BTS members with their parents, a few people from the company (Bang Si-hyuk included) and a few of Jimin's friends from his side making out the roughly fifty attendants. My husband (seriously, even thinking of labeling him with that term was still so amazing for me) had managed to rent out a beachside on Jeju Island – I didn't dare ask how much that must have cost – and that's where we married, on a beautiful, sunny day, with the sound of the waves in our ears, my beautiful white dress with the little sparkling, flowery details fluttering softly in the wind. Like a miracle, no paparazzi had found us that day, our relationship thus having stayed a secret until now. People often describe their marriage as the best day and decision of their life, and that's exactly what I would call mine too.

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