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Oh, how painfully wrong I had been.

After the half-an-hour walk to my house leading us over ways littered with dead leaves crunching under our feet, as soon as I had unlocked the front door and pushed it open, Jimin had quietly taken his plastic bag from me and went upstairs, ignoring my concerned question if he wanted to eat dinner together with me as him being lonely with his troubled thoughts really didn't seem like a good idea. Disappointed to see the same old annoyingly rude and ignorant behavior repeating itself, I softly kicked the stairs before sending a glare up, shaking my head at my naivety when I heard him shuffling upstairs, most likely about to take a shower. Yes, he had cried his heart out in my arms not even an hour ago, but why had I expected him to suddenly do a 180 and change his whole behavior? Why had I even dared to think that he would treat me nicely after the time we had spent in the studio?

Frustratedly, I pulled my shoes off my feet, throwing them on the shoe rack with a bit more force than intended, a stormy expression on my face. Grabbing my clothes out of my bedroom– this time solicitously making sure I actually got all I needed– I walked over to the bathroom, locking it behind me as the occurrence on the evening before of stumbling into Jimin with my chest only covered by a towel had traumatized me and I didn't want to revive such an awkward, embarrassing moment ever again.

Quickly, I showered, trying to calm down my frustrated and disappointed feelings but struggling to do so as the annoying silver-haired guy didn't leave my mind. I just failed to wrap my head around the boy's frequent changes in demeanor. Eventually, I was finished and absent-mindedly put on my clothes before drying my hair.

I was still deep in thoughts when I opened the bathroom, my inattentiveness causing me to startle to no end when my eyes fell upon a dark figure looming only a few steps away from me in the living room, the lack of light falling into the room rendering the atmosphere even creepier and unsettling. Releasing a yelp, I flinched when the person made a step forward to approach me. With widened eyes, I anxiously took a few steps backward, contemplating if I should scream, as the light suddenly flickered on, flooding the room with such brightness that my eyes fell shut, and I had to squint them to identify the other. A sigh of relief escaped my throat when I realized who was standing there with a hand on the light switch, somehow looking at me in an incredulous but at the same time awkward way.

The feeling of a déjà-vu overcame me.



He was walking calmly next to the girl with his fingers stuck into the pockets of his coat and his face void of any expression, seemingly unbothered even though inside of him he was screaming.

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