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For a few moments, his body practically was frozen as he stared down on his shirt, his mind being too shocked to comprehend the situation. But as soon as he realized what just had taken place, his body jerked up, making the chair he had been seated on tumble over and crash onto the ground with a loud bang. With a furious expression, he looked at his previously pristine white (apart from the Louis Vuitton logo) designer shirt that now was drenched with hot dark liquid before turning his eyes to the anxious girl in front of him, staring her down. Even though he wasn't that much taller than her, his figure was threateningly looming over the girl, making her shrink back in fear, which caused a weird feeling of satisfaction to overcome him. After all, she deserved facing his hatred for ruining his mood even more after he had left his bandmates.

"What. Did. You. Do." Jimin pressed through his teeth with an angry scowl, pleased to see her shiver at his cold tone of voice.

"I- I'm sorry," she stuttered and seemed to be not able to look into his eyes, her gaze shamefully fixated the ground. "There are so many people in the room- I tried to be cautious, but then I tripped and-"

"Do you even know how much this has cost?" Jimin interrupted her loudly, not able to compose himself anymore. Accusingly, he held the hem of his shirt, pulling the sticky, wet and warm fabric away from his chest. Luckily, it didn't seem like the coffee had severely burned his skin despite being hot. "Look, it's ruined now, just because of your f*cking incompetence!"

His booming voice was enough to make the other customers fall silent, the formerly warm and welcoming atmosphere suddenly turning cold, everyone staring at the masked, raging man with the stained shirt and the woman that had lowered her head in shame.

"I'm sorry, Sir," she mumbled, her voice slightly wavering as she was on the brink of tears. "I will compensate for it."

"Sure you will!" he exclaimed angrily, but after giving her a once-over, he snorted incredulously. Her clothes, apart from the apron of the café, although they weren't too shabby, looked very cheap, making her seem not well off money-wisely. There was no way in hell she would be able to replace his expensive designer shirt!

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" a new, more mature-sounding voice asked.

With a frown, Jimin turned around to see a small elderly lady with a serious facial expression who quickly examined his shirt and the intimidated-looking girl and seemed to have no problem understanding the situation.

"My name is Mrs. Lee, and I'm the manager and owner of this café. If there is a problem, you can come to me", the lady told him and protectively positioned himself in front of the girl, somehow managing to hide her anxious form behind her petite figure.

Upon seeing the woman practically defending the girl, Jimin at first clenched his fists in anger but soon slowly relaxed them. This woman, who was the owner of the café, seemed like she would call the police on him if he misbehaved. And even though he was still raging on the inside, he forced the corners of his lips to lift up in an apologetic smile as it was necessary for him to stay out of trouble to prevent scandals and avoid anyone from knowing his whereabouts.

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