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When we had finished cleaning up, Areum and I stepped outside of the café, Mrs. Lee following us and locking the door behind herself. With a sweet smile, she bid us goodbye and walked over to her car, but not without reminding me once again that I could always pay her and her husband a visit to play with their recently adopted Shiba Inu pup– Beety– if I wanted.

"He's the most adorable puppy in the world! You'll fall in love with him at first sight!" she praised him, her eyes sparkling with the same adoration as a mother gushing over her child.

"I'm sure I will! And I'd really love to meet him," I replied, the corners of my lips already lifting just from imagining the lively puppy, but then a thought crossed my mind, and my expression sobered, transforming into a frown. "That is if I have the time to."

Honestly, that was the biggest obstacle that stopped me from seeing the doggy; in the past few days, my mind had been filled with so many things at the same time that I could barely even think about anything else than my personal matters. Without a doubt, my silver-haired tenant's behavior had improved, which I appreciated very much to the point that I somehow had started to enjoy spending time with him (or at least I didn't utterly despise being in his presence anymore), but I was still struggling to find time to calm down my mind and be alone with myself for a few minutes to process every little thing that had happened these past few days.

With an understanding smile, Mrs. Lee nodded. "That's totally fine, sweetheart. Take your time and don't feel inclined to come," she reassured warmly, her hand coming to caress my shoulder in a comforting manner. "Don't pressure yourself, darling. And..." she trailed off hesitatingly, her eyes fixated on my face to wait for my reaction, but I could only stare at her in wonder. "Your tenant... He isn't harming you in any way, is he?"

My eyes flew open in surprise before I quickly caught myself. "Jimin? No, he is pretty friendly, actually. Doesn't open up easily, but at least he's not rude," I reassured her, figuring that despite my previous assurance the days before, she still wasn't truly convinced.

"If you say so, darling," she nodded, but I could still see the doubt glinting in her eyes. "Please understand that I'm only worried for you."

"Of course," I nodded because I knew that even though she had a hard time believing that Jimin was actually not rude or harmful to me (anymore, at least), she had no bad intentions. After all, she just saw me as a daughter and respectively cared for me and my well-being. "Thank you, Mrs. Lee."

Only shortly after Mrs. Lee had driven off, not without waving us a goodbye out of the window of her car, Soobin's car entered our sight, turning into the street and slowing down to stop right next to us. The handsome policeman leaned out of the window with a flirtatious wink, dimples appearing as he smiled a greeting at me, his eyes then turning to look at Areum.

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