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The work in the café passed by quickly, the cozy atmosphere and the interaction with the lovely customers making a constant smile rest on my lips. In our little town, the café was popular among the inhabitants, and we had many regulars who stopped by for a quarter-hour or a few hours to drink coffee, tea, or hot chocolate and relish in the taste of the fabulous cake we offered. Apart from savoring their food and drinks, they also chatted animatedly with Areum and me about their everyday life, never failing to include us both in their delightful conversations. Listening to their stories was utterly enjoyable because they were very gentle and kind people who relished our company just as we did theirs.

Areum tilted her head in adoration when she returned to me behind the counter after bringing one of the older ladies her citron tea and strawberry cake that she always ordered.

"Aren't they lovely?" she mumbled with a smile as she looked in the direction of the elder ladies that were chattering lively about their sons and daughters, praising them for their great looks and success.

"They definitely are," I whispered back to her, nodding in response when one of the ladies called out to order another piece of the sweet cakes that they didn't seem to get enough of. "I wish I will become such a sweet and lively person when I'm growing old, having exciting stories to tell and being kind to everyone."

Areum smiled at me, throwing me a playful wink. "I don't think you'll have to change a lot to become like that, though. You're already lovely enough."

Nudging her ribs softly to make her squeak at the ticklish sensation, I moved from behind the counter to serve the order. "Thank you, babe," I replied with a flirtatious smile.

The remaining work hours passed by quickly after Areum initiated a fiery and animated conversation with me about whether mint choco ice cream is the best flavor and deserves getting cherished to no end or if it's the worst and should get banned from the surface of our planet. And of course, I knew that her whole thesis of 'mint choco is the best flavor, and you can't convince me otherwise' was just an attempt to teasingly provoke me as she knew that I was absolutely disgusted by the flavor and would do anything to defend my position but I still enjoyed the playful fight with her.

As the clock hit 3 PM, the remaining of our customers bid goodbye, knowing that we were about to close. Even though it was unusual for a café not to be open after 3 PM, it was solely for the fact that Mrs. Lee owned the café as a hobby and didn't want to make the work take over her life and stress her out, or she would grow tired of it.

After cleaning up the floor, the tables, and the machines, we took the aprons off and got our bags from the staff room.

"Ah..." Areum sighed contently, fixing her black ponytail before stretching her long body like a cat and popping a few bones, making me grimace. "Finally, we finished work."

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