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Sadly, the remaining few minutes of the dance lesson with Areum and Soobin passed by quickly, the time slipping through my fingers like water. Soon, they both got their stuff and bid me goodbye, lighthearted giggles bubbling out of them as they chased each other out of the studio while I was waiting for the second and last student for today. To my utter misfortune, that student was neither kind nor attentive like Areum and Soobin; she was the complete opposite.

The person that carelessly strolled in without greeting or even looking at me as the only thing captivating her attention was her phone was a girl called Miyeon. Unfortunately, she was- well, to put it nicely- a female dog. Just one look at her was necessary to realize that, without a doubt, she was the type of popular girl that was extremely lazy and bullied everyone else into doing her work.

It hadn't been her idea to attend dance practice, her mother forced her to against her will, and she always seemed to have the urge to let me feel that she wasn't in my dance studio at her own accord at all. During every dance lesson, her smartphone was attached to her hand as if it was part of her body, her artificial fingernails clicking loudly and annoyingly against the screen, her hair shielding her face from me like a curtain. Every time she was here, she spent the whole dance lesson typing on the phone for nearly two hours, updating her social media, texting friends, and doing everything to avoid dancing.

After the first few dance practices with her almost a year ago, during which I had desperately and unsuccessfully tried to convince her to take part in the lesson, we had come to the silent agreement that if I left her alone, she wouldn't bother me.

During today's lesson, I just halfheartedly showed her a few dance moves, to which she showed nothing but ignorance, never even glancing at me. It hurt my heart that someone was so careless about my passion, about something that formed such a significant part of my life since childhood.

Eventually, the lesson came to an end, Miyeon thankfully leaving the practice room without throwing me a glance and entering the small bathroom to touch up her make-up. With quick movements, I swiftly changed into my streetwear before opening the windows of the practice room, letting the smell of sweat vanish to the outside while waiting for Miyeon, who was getting ready to leave. From experience, I knew that it was wise not to bother her as she wouldn't hesitate to lash out at me like she had done countless times before to 'put me back in place' as she liked to call disrespecting her elders. And each of those many times, I had let it slide since there wasn't much I could have done as I depended on the money her mother paid me. Of course, Miyeon knew that full well and never hesitated to take advantage of my situation.

As I waited impatiently, my eyes absently tracing the forest close to the studio, I realized that the leaves of the countless trees were already turning yellow and red, preparing to tumble through the air and decorate the ground in various colors. The past few days, the air had gotten noticeably colder, summer having left, taking the warmth along on its departure, winter coming soon to spread its icy coldness, making everyone bundle up.

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