The Ceremony(Leo)

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Reader's Point of View...

"The escaped convicts BeBop and Rocksteady are now in police custody. While Baxter Stockman remains at large. Authorities ensure us that the city is once again safe; however questions remain about last weeks events. What was that threat from the sky? And how exactly was it everted? But the bigger question is, does it even matter? Do we need to give our hero's a name and a face? Or is it enough to know that they are out there watching out for us from the shadows?" We watched April's news report from the TV as we smiled looking back on last week.

"For your incredible valor within this community, and for your uncompromising cooperation with this agency. I present to you, the keys... To the city." Rebecca announced to us and all the other agents that were in on making it possible to aid us.

I smiled as Leo and I held a key of our own, which all of us had hung around our necks. "A symbol of our appreciation, respect, and for our continued partnership. To you, bothers... And cousin. Y/n L/n, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo..." Rebecca said before pausing.

"Last name?" She whispered making us turn to her. "Uh... Not so much." Donnie admitted. "I never thought of that, that's no fair..." Mikey sighed making us smile. "We can come up with one later." I whispered to him as he gave me a smile and thumbs up.

I looked back out to the small crowd of people to see April and Casey smiling up at us with huge smiles on their faces. I smiled back at her as she started taking pictures of us.

"Congratulations." Rebecca said with a smile as I looked up at the boys as they all had smiles plastered on their faces as everyone started clapping.

I looked to everyone as there were mixed faces, but none of them seemed to be scared. But most of the people that were smiling as they looked to us with gratitude. 

I could also see Vern trying to impress the two ladies on either side of him making me roll my eyes. 

But next to the lady was April and Vern talking and smiling together as I watched April ask him out.

I turned to the boys as they all huddled up and were smiling with each other and laughing and talking about Lady Liberty. 

I stood next to Leo as he was talking about maybe going up there to see the view when Rebecca approached us. "I think you should give people more credit. They'll accept you now." Rebecca said with a smile. "You're probably right. But uh.. Think we will stick with the arrangement we've had." Raph said as the rest of the boys nodded.

 "If you ever need us... April knows where to find us." Leo said. "Really? You could live a normal life." Rebecca said. "Like the rest of us." She added. 

"Normal?... What fun is that?" Raph smiled as we all turned back to Rebecca with hopeful looks.

"I'm so proud of you guys!!" I shouted as I pulled Leo and Donnie in for a big hug as Mikey and Raph joined in as we congratulated one another.

"Hey let's go see the view!!" Mikey smiled as he ran for the entrance for the stairs while Donnie ran after him as they both laughed and shouted to each other.

"You think Mikey's going to fall down a flight of stairs?" I asked Leo with a smile as he shook his head as he laughed. "Probably once he gets between the last three flights." He said.

"I'll go catch up with them." Raph smiled as he jogged his way over towards the stairs.

"Y/n!!" April said with a smile as she ran towards us and tackled me in a big hug. "I AM SO PROUD!!" She practically screamed as Leo laughed as he watched the life get sucked out of me.

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