Karai (Donnie)

608 8 3

Reader's Point of View...

"Y-You're telling me, I just downloaded two years worth of plans from Shredder of FootClan activities to come, on top of his plans!? He's been in contact with The Krang!? A real alien!!" Y/n shouted.

"Mind blown!..." Mikey said before making an explosion sound with his hands opening at the side of his face.

"He plans on ruling the planet with him. If this is the case... We might have bigger problems to worry about." Donnie said as he typed into his computer as he ran through the files.

"Even some of Baxter Stockman's research notes and plans... To make more of what Shredder described as Krang's body... But smaller versions." Donnie sighed. "To start a whole invasion..." Raph gasped.

"We need to keep an eye on Baxter Stockman's location at all times. If he plans on sticking with Shredder and making these...Droids, we could be looking world domination!" Donnie explained.

"But right now, these are plans. If we manage to take down Krang and Shredder before any of these are completed and keep the Foot in line we should be fine. We would need to get Baxter arrested as well, keep him locked away where he can't invent whatever he plans on making." Leo said.

"So let's get out there!" Mikey said. "But we don't even know where Krang is, we know where Shredder is but we can't just go barging in there without a plan." I explained.

There was a sudden loud rumble from the surface as dust started shaking off of the bricks in the lair as we looked up.

"What's happening out there Donnie?" Leo asked.

"They did it! They opened the portal! Well.. Krang is going to make his way over into this dimension. We better pack now, there are pieces of what looks like an alien war machine coming from this ribbon in the sky." Donnie explained.

"Everyone pack up and move out!" Leo shouted as we all bolted to grab our things.

"April just contacted me about the whole ordeal. She said to meet her and the police force. She explained she got Vern to gather the footage from the Baxter's lab and he brought it over." Donnie explained as we walked down the sewer halls.

"That's great..." Mikey laughed nervously. "If April says it's okay, then it's going to be okay Mikey." I smiled as I gave him a small pat on the shoulder.

"R-Right." He sighed. "Well, lead the way Donnie..." Leo said as Donnie rushed in front.

It was around a twenty minute walk as we appeared to two ladders up to manhole covers.

"This is our stop." Donnie said as he put away his hologram.

We all were standing around hesitantly as we waited for someone to say something.

I sighed as I walked over next to Donnie. "Whatever might happen up there, we are family. We will push through them... We will show Rebecca and the police force that we are not the enemy. We are New Yorker's and will not settle for any less. So let's get up there and show them what we are capable of." I said as I held onto Donnie's hand.

"Y/n's right. Come on guys." Leo said as he climbed up the ladder.

"After you." Mikey smiled as he offered Donnie to go first. "Dude, I ain't the lady here." Donnie deadpanned.

"Here you go love." Donnie said as he offered me his hand as support for the large gap in the ladder. "Why thank you." I laughed.

Opening the manhole cover to see the light pour into the sewers. I stepped out and moved the manhole cover over more as Mikey climbed up and out followed by Donnie.

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