Chapter 18

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The whole day I wasn't able to find Jason which was kind of weird but I ignored it. Rachel is still made at me so it will take her time to get over it and be my friend again.

I was waiting for Jai in the parking lot but no one was outside, everyone from outside were going inside which was kind of weird.

I barely slept at night knowing about that phone call, and why that man called me Beth. Also that he wants me to stay away from Jai because he would do something to me?

Jai came as he came with a rented car as his old car is getting fixed.

"Sweet ride." I smirked as he groaned

"I have a granny car." He frowned as I chuckled.

"But you make it look cool." I complimented as he smiled.

"Okay so I was wondering if you just want to go to my place and we can just chill, because I really don't like driving for too long as it brings back bad memories." He truthfully spoke.

"I understand." I smiled softly.

We went to his house as I sat on the couch as he joined me and got some chips and soda.

"You feeling better from yesterday?" He asked.

"Yeah, they stitched me up which kind of hurts but I'll survive, what about you?"

"Great!" He said.

He leaned over from the couch as he leaned over and planted a soft kiss on my lips as I smiled.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"You just look really beautiful today." He smirked.

"Oh shut up." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm serious, you remind me so much of Beth." He said as I stopped, it reminded me about the phone call.

I think Jai could tell something was wrong from my face as he asked me if I was okay.

"I have been getting weird phone calls recently and I was just wondering if you got any?" I bit my bottom lip.

Jai looked down as if he was thinking and looked back at me. "In the matter of fact I have been getting weird calls, but no one is talking besides a male breathing." He spoke shrugging it off.

I had a shocked and scared expression on my face as Jai could tell as well.

"I got the same thing the first time! But the second time he actually spoke to me..." I paused.

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