Chapter 10

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"Hey guys can we have a little break." Jason asked as we were walking around in the mall.

"But I want to shop." Rachel frowned.

"Why don't you and Chris go and I'll sit here with Jason." I said as Chris growled at me as I laughed.

Rachel and Chris rode off as I sat down beside Jai.

"So you and Jai ey?" He spoke.

"We aren't dating or anything, I just kissed him." I shrugged

"Hold up, hold up, you kissed him?"

"Um, yeah..." I said.

"Woah... Tongue?" He asked.

I slapped his arm.

"Kidding, kidding." He said.

"Do you like him?" He asked me seriously.

"Kind of I guess." I said.

Jason grabbed my hand as I looked at him.

"If you are happy I'm happy." He said smiling.

"Thanks Jason." I said giving him a hug.

"But make sure he doesn't take you away from me, like we promised each other when we were 13." He said.

"No one can ever come between our friendship." I said.

My phone vibrated as it was a call from Jai? He never calls me.

I answered it as I put the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey um, sorry for just calling you out of nowhere but I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place tonight for some dinner." He said.

"Oh sure." I said smiling.

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 7." He said as I agreed and hung up.

"I guess I got a date today." I giggled as Jason smiled at me.

"Tell me all about it tomorrow." He said.


" You look great." Jai said as he came at my door.

"Thanks." I said as we went in his car.

He began driving as it was awkward silence.

"About the kiss..." Jai started.

"Yeah, it meant something and yes I know I kissed you first." I said as I broke the awkwardness.

Jai just chuckled as if he felt relief.

"So um where are we going?" I asked him.

"For some pizza as the last time I kind of ran off." He said shrugging.

I laughed, " That sounds perfect."

He smiled at me as he kept driving.

We reached the pizza place as I got out as Jai did as well.
We were walking right beside each other as I smiled when our shoulders would brush off each others.

He opened the door as I chuckled softly knowing that he was trying so hard which I thought was cute.

We got a table as we both ordered ourselves some pizza of course.

"So Jai Brooks tell me something about you." I said as I was swirling my straw in the coca cola the waiter brought us.

"Um, well I have this little crush on this beautiful girl." He said smiling.

"Oh really tell me more, about this 'little crush' of yours." I said sipping my coke.

"Well um, she has beautiful hair, and nice bright eyes, shes the sweetest and most down to earth girl I know and I'm so lucky to have her sitting right in front of me talking to me." He said as he reached out for my hand.

Wow, I never really felt like this for someone besides Jai. He makes me, nervous, my palms get sweaty, my heart rate increases just when I hear his voice.

I got up as I leaned over to him and kissed his cheek as I sat down seeing a smile on both our faces.

"Well this girl is sure lucky as well." I said.

"Heres your pizza, enjoy." The waiter said to us as he placed the delicious food in front of us.

We both immediately went in for the pizza as I moaned on how much it tasted like heaven.

"This is some good..." Jai spoke as I cut him off.

"I know right." I finished his sentence as he chuckled and we continued eating it.

We finished eating as Jai paid for it and we went out as it was kind of dark.

"Do you wanna come back to my place?" Jai asked.

"Sure." I smile as we hopped into the car.

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