Chapter 19

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"Hey babe why didn't you come to school today?" Jai asked as he was in his car driving beside me as I was walking around the neighbourhood because I didn't go to school today.

"Does it matter?" I asked walking looking straight ahead. I didn't really want him to be here.

"You could've called we could've hung out." He said as I could tell he was smirking.

I stopped walking as I faced him as he stopped his car as well.

"I can't see you anymore Jai." I said.

His facial expression broke me.

"Why?" He asked as he was getting out of the car.

He stood infront of me as we had a little gap between us.

"Because Jason and I aren't friends anymore." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I'm spending too much time with you." I said.

"What the fuck?! Well duh we have to spend time with each other, we are together, thats what couples are supposed to do. Is he stupid does he not know how relationships work." He yelled.

"Woah calm down." I said.

"But we can't be together anymore, I need to try getting my best friend back." I said about to cry.

Jai looked at me as he cupped my face making me look at his eyes.

"You know you love me more than you love him. I'm your boyfriend baby, he's just a boy who is a friend." He said.

"He's like a brother to me Jai.." I said softly as the tear rolled down my cheek.

"Don't cry baby." He said.

"I can't let you go..." He said getting teary.

"But I have to fix my friendship first." I said.

"So you are choosing him over me." He said hurt and angry.

I cried, I'm the worst person ever.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

He removed his arms from my face as I cried more.

"Wow Felicity wow. Never knew a person would actually choose between two people. You could've atleast made it work. I feel the love baby!" He yelled as he was walking backwards with his hands in the air.

"Go and kiss little Jason, go be with him if you love him more than me. I totally regret loving you." He said as I looked at him. He loved me...

"Jai you know he's my best friend" I cried.

"But clearly more important than your boyfriend!" He said.

"Can't you just understand..." I cried.

He stopped as he took few steps back closer to me.

"Understand? I can never understand the fact that my girlfriend is leaving me to fix some bullshit little pussy fight with her little buddy bud. Well you know what have fun with that." He said." He got in his car and drove off as his eyes were teary as well.

Great Felicity now what are you going to do.

I was walking over to Jason's house as I knocked on the door and he answered the door as he saw me sobbing.

"I left Jai for you.." I said.

his face soften as it was a little frown.

He hugged me as thats what I needed for so long as I hugged my best friend as I let all my tears out.

"I didn't know you were going to do that for me..." He said.

"We've been friends for years I'm not going to break our promise." I said as he wiped my tears.

"You wanna stay over the night?" He asked as I nodded and he chuckled as we went inside.

Jai's POV:

How dare she! I can't believe that just happened. She left me more him. For that scum bag. I though she loved me as well but clearly I was wrong. I can't let her get away from me so easily.

I got home as I went in my fridge as I pulled out something I thought I never been touching ever again. Alcohol.

I drank bottle after bottle as I forgot the burning sensation you get as I have been craving this for so many years. Why did I ever stop?!

I got a phone call as I answered it.

"Hello son." He said.

My blood boiled. The memories of me being locked in a cage. Blamed for everything I had nothing to do with. Beaten, blamed, tortured, hated, broken, ruined.

"Remember me?" He did his evil laugh as I made a fist.

"What do you want?" I said through my clenched teeth.

"Well I know you and your little girlfriend Beth, I think? Kind of broke up, am I right?" He said.

"What do you want?" I repeated.

"I want you... because you are ready."He said.

"For what?" I said.

"To become like me." He said as I could tell he was smirking.

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