Chapter 2

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"Let's go to the park!" I chanted.

"I'm kind of tired though." Rachel said.

"I'll take Rachel home and you and Jason could stay at the park." Chris said as Jason and I agreed.

I hugged Rachel goodbye and too take care of herself as I ran to the swings.

Jason grabbed the other one as we were both just swinging and chit chatting how we always do. Jason is my best friend and we have been friends since pre-school because my mom and his mom are best friends as well.

"Do you know what university you are going to apply for?" I asked him.

"No, I still can't believe this is out last year and then we are gone." He said frowning.

"We will make it worth a while." I smiled at him.

"But we will always be friends forever." He said to me as I smiled.

"Friends forever." I repeated as we did our hand shake hoping not to fall off the swing.

Jason's phone rang as he got it out.

"Hey baby." He said as I began swinging knowing he is talking to Madison. I really don't talk to her because I think she doesn't like me. So I stopped trying to have a conversation with her.

"I'm with Felicity right now." He said.

"No, we are just at the park babe." He said as I rolled my eyes, typical Madison always wondering what he is doing all the time.

"Alright, I'll be there in few minutes, bye." He said hanging up.

"That was Madison and she wants me to come over. Do you want me to drop you off?" Jason asked.

"No it's okay have fun." I said as he smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek and jogging away.

I stayed on the swings for a while as I loved the breeze hitting my face and moving my hair away from my face.

Jai's POV:

I was behind these bunch of trees as it was him and this dude on the swings. Is that her boyfriend or something?

I was ignoring his presences as I was looking at her and scanning all her features as she looked just like her.

He kissed her cheek which kind of bothered me and he jogged away.

She was still there and didn't leave.

Should I go up to her? Should I talk to her? I have to hear her voice.

I decided to stay in the trees and just watch her.

Minutes later she hopped off and was fixing her hair.

Why would someone leave her alone, I would always be with her.

She began walking as I began to follow her as well.

She walked into her house as I watched her got in as I noticed the back lights turn on.

I walked and jumped over the fence looking up seeing that it was her room.

I had too see her.

I saw a tree as I began climbing on it just enough to see through her window.

She turned on her radio but I couldn't see her, then I realized she was in her bathroom. I waited and she came out with her towel. Oh how I just wanted to rip off that towel and kiss her so badly.

She took off her towel letting it hit the floor as I stared her body up and down. She has the same body as her. I looked down as I was getting a lot of thoughts in my head.

I looked back up as she was clothed and doing homework.

I got to find out who she is.

I got back down and went back to my place not letting the image of the girl out of my head.

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