Chapter 3

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Felicity's POV:

I was eating breakfast as it wad the next day and my dad already left for work so it was just me and my mom.

"Is Jason picking you up for school today?" She asked me.

"Nope, I'm going to walk today, also it is good weather." I said.

"Alright be careful dear." She said as I put my plate in the sink.

"Yeah, love you." I said kissing her cheek.

I grabbed my bag as I walked out and began walking to school.

I got my notes out as I began reviewing them because we have a test in Chemistry class and if I don't do well in it Mr.Turner is going to call my parents. I don't want that to happen.

It was kind of windy out but I tend to ignore it.

As I was scanning the papers the wind blew them out of my hands.

"Fuck." I said to myself as it went to the road.

I ran like an idiot not even looking both side as a car hit me.

It hurt let me tell you. But it wasn't a bad hit. Because the car just hit my knee and shin which was bleeding a lot but nothing was broken.

Great Felicity, in the morning you get hit.

I sat up as my head was kind of throbbing as I couldn't believe I just got hit, so smart Felicity.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Some male said in a raspy voice.

I looked up peeking my eyes opened and noticing an attractive young looking man talking to me.

He kneeled down to my level as he looked really worried and as if he was about to cry.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said to assure him.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I just didn't see you because you came out of no where." He spoke.

"No it was my fault it's okay." I said trying to get up but couldn't.

I felt someones arms around me as it was his and it felt weird at first but then I'm like who cares it a cute boy.

"Let me at least fix you." He said.

"No really it's okay." I said.

"Please." He said.

Well I'm late anyways.

"Fine, but your not a kidnapper or anything are you?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"I'm not." He said.

He helped me in his car as he ran over to the driver seat.

Jai's POV:

I was just following her to her school to keep and eye on her but I ended up hurting her. This can't happen again why do I always hurt people.

I got out and she was bleeding. The past came to me seeing her covered in blood and it was again my fault for why she was like that.

I helped her and she spoke. My heart beat faster as if I was dreaming. This must be a fresh start, a chance for me to make it all better. She sounds just like her and looks just like her.

I touched her and it felt so right but it felt a little better.

I just wanted to slide my hand up her top and please her but I didn't because all I wanted to do was heal her.

I was in the driver seat as I began driving.

"I'm sorry for hurting you again." I said.

"Don't worry, if anything I was stupid to not looking both sides before running too the middle of the road." She said as she kept looking at her leg which her blood was all over my car mat but I didn't care.

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