The End

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Y/n woke up in a tube. They panicked and wiggled around. They could faintly hear a commotion in the room they were in. The room was taken over by what they could only see a few figures.

They watched carefully, and they noticed that one of the figures saw them in the tube and immediately went to the control panel. The figure slam their fist against the button, letting the water in the tube lower to the point it was gone in minutes.

Y/N fell to their knees as they then rip the oxygen mask from their face and let out a gasp, taking in all the air they could.

The tube was open, letting out steam into the room. The first figure walked towards Y/N, they shuffle away from them, their back hitting against the glass.

"Hey, it's ok, we're here to help.." The figure said he was dressed up as a knight, and on his waist was a sword.

"W-Where am I?" Y/N ask, their throat was dry, and it was hard to speak.

"We're not sure, but we came here to save you." He answered. He removed the wires that were connected to poor Y/N before scooping them in his arms and carrying their bridal style.

After he took them out from the tube, Y/N could see the others. They also seem to be wearing knight outfits.

"Who are you guys?" They ask as they held onto the figure.

"Well, I'm Templar! The one who let you out is the Teutonic Order. The one guarding the entrance is the Kingdom of Sicily, then there are two others from outside named the Kingdom of England and the Empire of Cyprus. We are the crusaders!" The figure answered, he took Y/N over to where Sicily was at.

The kingdom looks over at them and frowns. "Oh, you poor thing, what have those idiots done to you..? You look so thin.." She said.

"Once we take them to UN, then they'll be safe and have a proper diet." Templar sighed, he walks out of the room with the other two walking behind him.

"What happened?" Y/N ask, they gaze around the room and see a lot of notes.

One said: 'How to turn a human into a country'
Another one: 'How to affect the past'

"You were kidnapped and taken to this place, I don't know what they did to you, but it must've not been good for you. You look worn out." The knight answered.

They shivered a bit before feeling something on them, they see that it was a cape. They look over to see Teutonic there with a small smile.

"Keep it, I have many more at home." He said, they thank him and used the cape to cover themselves.

The group stepped outside, and Y/N covered their eyes and soon let them adjust. They saw another group, two other knights, and two other figures.

"We got one!" Templar said, trotting over to the group.

"What about the others?" One asks, and he seems to have something on his face saying 'FBI'.

"Sadly, none of them made it except for this one." Sicily said, "This is just cruel. Who would do such a thing?"

"Don't know, but we'll find them and bring them to justice." Another one said, their face said 'CIA'. She wore sunglasses, and she looked buff.

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