Chapter 37: Contract Expired

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They attacked, and Third Reich got greedy with what he received from the war so he decided to attack the motherland. This enraged Soviet and the thing was that they were pushing toward Moscow with heavy force.

Y/N was putting their military uniform on, and Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus were huddled in their father's room.

Moscow held a shotgun in his hands as he stood outside the union's room. The capital was smoking his cigar as he held the shotgun, his back leaned on the large corridors, and he watched the general and union get ready for their battle.

"We'll be back Moscow, keep the kids safe and away from those damn nazis," Soviet vowed, Moscow saluted to his higher-ups before the two left for the raging war outside the cold and tall mansion.

"Y/N, be careful out there, I'll try my best to protect you." The union looked at the general who was listening carefully while fiddling with their weapon.

"Of course! This isn't my first time dealing with battles!" Y/N chirped, Soviet chuckles as he ruffled Y/N's who complained afterward.



The union called out to their general. He watched as they started to take them, and with anger, he shot at the nazis trying to steal his greatest and trusted soldier. Third Reich showed up amongst the soldiers with a twisted grin.

"Don't you dare hurt them, or else I will rip your head off, you damn nazi.." Soviet growled, Third Reich and his soldiers laughed and started to beat the union. Bullets and sharp knives went in or through his body, and after a while of being beaten, he was left on the ground bleeding.

"Pathetic.." Third muttered, "take our guest to Berlin!" He ordered, he walked past the screaming general who yelled the union's name.

"Soviet! Soviet please get up!" They yelled, Y/N struggled to move as the soldiers put more force on them.

"Quit moving!" One of the soldiers yelled.

"I need to see if he's ok!!" Y/N protested, and they reach their hand out toward the body that was on the ground.

"Knock them out already!" Another one ordered, and with that after yelling and pleading to be beside the USSR, they were knocked out cold.

Thoughts flushed into their mind, the sight of new people engulfing their thoughts.

The figures that were shown were unknown to them, but the flags shown were enough to tell them what they were seeing. Their blurred faces were all they could see. Their flags went from red to yellow to many types of colors. Their head was spinning in circles, and it felt like they were going to be sick in their dream.

What's happening??? Are they dead, like dead, not dead, where they wake up in the void and see Whirl playing chess?

They just hope that if they were dead, they would wake up in the void and wait for the demon to come into view.

Their thoughts were blocked when they suddenly heard a familiar voice calling for them. Soviet? No, it can't be him. Maybe it's Moscow waking them up from a nightmare.



"S-Sir they were -"

"WHAT?! THEY WERE SCARED!!! AND ALL YOU DID WAS KNOCK THEM OUT?! If I see you near them or do anything TO them, I'll have Third Reich execute you in front of your people. Do. You. Understand me?"


"Get out of my sight."

Footsteps ran down the halls, and an irritated sigh was heard outside the room Y/N was currently in. They looked around and saw that they were surprisingly in Holy's old chambers. They turned their head and saw Fascist sitting next to the bed staring at the open corridors that connected to the old chambers.

"Fascist..?" Y/N's voice was raspy and weak, but it was enough to get the kingdom's attention.

"Y/N! Thank the lord you are alright. You're safe here." Fascist grinned, his smile was soft and warm it made Y/N keep their guard down.

"Are... are they awake..?" Berlin's soft voice asked, his head poking into the chambers of his old master. The capital slowly walked in, and he stood beside the kingdom. Y/N tried to sit up, but they were too weak, and their head was killing them. The Fascist got up to gently push the general down.

"Y/N, just rest, you were hurt in battle," Fascist ordered. Berlin looks behind him before turning his attention to the Russian.

"Y/N, listen to us closely. When Third Reich comes in and starts asking you questions about the Soviet Union, lie. Lie like your life depends on it because it does." Berlin whispered. It was only loud enough for Fascist and the Russian to hear. It shocked them how he was talking about this right in front of Third's ally. But then again, Italy did a reverse uno on the axis at the last moment, so this shouldn't surprise them.

"Third Reich wants information about the USSR. If it would save your country, then we suggest you lie to him." Fascist whispered.

"Why are you helping me..?" Y/N asked weakly.

"I love you.." Fascist sighed with a soft smile still on his face though Berlin stayed quiet, his eyes told Y/N everything though.

He had the same feelings, though he wouldn't admit it to them. He felt like he's been friend-zoned over and over every time he tried to get close to Y/N. Small footsteps were heard, which caught everyone's attention. There stood West and East at the doorway, their heads poking in the old chambers.

"Berlin..? Can we come in to see the Russian? Vati said no, but we thought we would ask you too." East asked. He fiddles with his fingers as he looks down shyly.

Berlin smiles a bit, "Yes, of course. Be careful, though they just woke up and have a splitting headache." The twins smiled widely, and they ran up to the old bed and the look at Y/N with wide eyes.

"You should start sharing stories..." Fascist whispered.

Y/N smiled at the twins and patted a spot next to them, which the two gladly took. Berlin left, but Fascist stayed. He had his eyes closed, mostly resting his eyes as he listened to Y/N share their story with the German twins. It was until footsteps came toward the old chambers, that's when things stopped.

"What have I told you about going into Great Grandpa's chambers...?"

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