Chapter 48: Plan Again

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The soldiers escorted Poland and Y/N to Moscow. It was quiet and looked abandoned.

"I miss the lively sounds of people and children here," Y/N murmured, they held frowns as they looked around the streets.

"The war will be over soon, and then you have enough time to play with the kids." the Russian leader said, giving a small glance at the soldier behind him.

Poland cowered behind Y/N, clinging onto their arm, and avoided eye contact with the Russian soldiers.

"Poland is more different than the last war. In the last war, he was more snooty and hard-headed. I guess after the invasion, he guesses he got some brain damage." Soviet said, giving a small chuckle.

"Sir now is not the time to talk about him when he's right here." Y/N sternly said, frowning more at their leader. He's jealous of Poland.

The rest of the walk was quiet, apart from Poland giving a small talk to Y/N. They would ask about the shops or homes they pass by, interested in what the soldier has to say about them. It ticks Soviet off a bit.

They'd been walking for a while now, probably more than an hour passed and all that Y/N heard at the moment was the constant crunching of the snow under them with their boots pressuring on the soft cold fluffy ground.

"The kids are with Moscow, correct?" Y/N finally broke the silence, asking Soviet about the children.

He gave a glance at the soldier before slowly looking away and answering the question. "They're all currently at St. Petersburg. They all are fine, and I trust Moscow and Petersburg should be doing well, taking good care of them."

"At least they won't have to witness the events of this war so young." Poland quietly said, but it was loud enough for the group to hear.


Y/N changed their clothes in the bathroom. They were back in their old room and finally changed into fresh new clothes. Poland was given a guest bedroom, but he was too afraid to sleep alone, so he stayed in Y/N's room, where he's currently sleeping on their bed.

The soldier walks out of the bathroom and sees the small country curled up with his arms around the pillow. It made them smile as they quietly walked over to the bed and pulled the sheets over his small frame.

Before leaving, Y/N made sure the door was locked therefore no one would disturb and assault Poland. Of course, it might be unlikely, but you can never be too sure about it. The possibilities are unlimited, and with Poland being tortured by both Third Reich and Soviet, it's best if the door was kept locked for his safety.

As they walked down the halls of the large house, they took out a pin. They didn't forget about this special weapon. They already came up with a plan. With it ending the demon's life for good. The pin was sent from an outside source that seems to be trying to help them through this mess. Maybe they shouldn't have let the demon take them on this journey. Besides, it did eat Y/N's chips.. unforgivable.

Putting the pin away, they stopped at the meeting room, where they could hear discussions on the other side of the door. Slowly opening the door and slipping inside, Y/N saw other countries. America, Britain, China, and Greece.

"Mexico and Brazil will be sending more troops over to help us fight. We're going to free our fellow allies from this mess and the shackles of that German beast." America said, slamming his fist against the table.

"Japan has been a pain. They won't stop until she got the Southern Eastern side of Asia." China softly mumbled, resting his head against his palms.

"I suggest we take on an invasion on Normandy. It's between my land and France. If we manage to get through there, then there's a chance of freeing France and taking on Germany." The British suggested he held his cane close as he was thinking of other ideas and solutions.

"Best chance we got, we already got some power down in Italy. They surrendered quickly, and with him on our side now, we got information." The American hummed.

"I'll go ahead and lead an offensive attack soon as well to push the Germans off my territory," Soviet said, his arms crossed as he stood proudly like always.

"We'll need to get going now, China and I have things to discuss with attacks going on in Asia," America said, standing up with China alongside him as they then left the room. The countries already noticed Y/N, but they were too busy with the meeting to interact with them.

So as America and China were leaving, America gave them a wink while China gave them a polite wave.

"So I heard you brought Poland, how is the young lad?" Britain asked, carefully standing up and brushing his clothes.

"He's doing fine, sir. Shaking up, but he's in great condition." Y/N replied.

"Poor guy." Greece softly said, turning her gaze to Soviet before looking away and quietly leaving.

"At least he's doing better. Thank you for taking care of him. He's still new to this world, and this isn't the greatest way to show this side of the world to him." The gentleman said, he bid his goodbye and left to attend to his country.

After a few moments of silence, Y/N spoke. "Offensive attack soon? Sounds like fun." They said with a chuckle.

"You're not joining. You and Poland will be going to St. Petersburg for safety." He said.

"What? But I'm more than capable of handling myself, I came back, didn't I?"

"You could've died! It was careless of me to even let you participate in this war!" Soviet said, raising his voice. "You're going to St. Petersburg. End. Of. Discussion." And without another word, he left.

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