Chapter 16: Hapsburg

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Y/N walked beside Hamburg, following him through the nice pale hallways that were decorated with beautiful designs and amazing paintings that hung on the walls.

Hamburg stopped at a guest room and knocked on the door before opening it. "Alright, Hapsburg, as our guest, we should at least make you feel comfortable here at the mansion before going to a meeting with Prussia." The city said, his hand held onto the door knob and he stared at the empire's back.

Hapsburg turned around and rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'm aware I should be comfortable here, but I already am, thank you. But right now, I need to focus on a few things before going to Prussia and Russia." The Austrian country responded. He was currently folding his clothes neatly and setting them aside.

"Though you know I shouldn't be folding my clothes, where are you maids and butlers, duke?" Hapsburg asked his gaze and attention now on Y/N, which made them gulp.

"...They're all busy, sorry, sir," Y/N responded. They bowed a bit at the empire. They felt nervous, but they were not sure why.

"I suggest hiring more, for a handsome/beautiful duke like you, you should be surrounded with wealth and servants," Hapsburg said. He set his clothes aside and walked towards the two.

Hapsburg lifted the duke's chin so they could face the empire's face.

"I do say you have handsome/beautiful eyes, got them from your mother/father?" He asks, Y/N nervously nodded, which made him chuckle.

"Ok enough, flirting Hapsburg." Hamburg sighed. He then left the room and waited for Y/N in the halls.

"What? Can't I compliment someone here?" Hapsburg asks Y/N was about to leave, but the empire grabbed their wrist and pulled them to his chest.

"How about we have a wonderful dance tomorrow? A ball, perhaps?" Hapsburg asks. He smiled softly.

"I'm a bit busy tomorrow, maybe later on..?" Y/N suggested, Hapsburg hummed but agreed. He lets go of the duke's wrist and lets them go to Hamburg.

Both the Duke and Hamburg started walking down the hallway, Hamburg made sure they were far from the guest room before he talked to Y/N, "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that... I should've stopped him earlier." He apologized.

Y/N shook their head and put their hand on the city's shoulder, "Don't be sorry, Hamburg, I can take care of myself. Though Hapsburg's idea of a ball here doesn't sound too bad, we should throw one!" Y/N said, their e/c eyes sparkled with excitement.

It took a while for Hamburg to agree, but he couldn't help but give in because of those lovely eyes, Hapsburg was right about one thing their eyes were beautiful/handsome.

"Ok, I'll let the servants know about this so they'll get everything ready," Hamburg said. He felt the Duke hug him, which made him blush a bit.

"Who should we invite?" Hamburg asked, Y/N let go of the city and thought for a moment.

"Why not everyone?" They asked, Hamburg, hummed and thought long and hard. Everyone in the town, sure, it might catch the attention of a few Empire or more, but that's how allies are made... right? Then again, the mansion here isn't a palace, so only inviting a few empires and the town itself will be enough for the mansion.

"I'll see what I can do, Y/N. I want you to be happy and have fun here." Hamburg responded, and the two chatted about the ball that they forgot about Hapsburg.

But Hapsburg was quietly listening. He was glad that the duke took his idea. He went back to the guest room to write a letter to his fellow allies, Prussia and Russia, about a 'problem'.

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