Chapter 5: Trenches and guns

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Y/N shot up awake from the sounds of bullets and tanks firing, and debris fell on them. They look down to see themselves in common clothes and also corpses inside an old house. Y/N peeked out the window and saw people fighting, French against Germans. They saw one German struggling against a British, Y/N looks around and saw a gun. They quickly took it and leaped out from the window and started to shoot the British.

Y/N ran over to the German and helped him up. "Are you ok???" They asked in German. The soldier nodded and thanked them for their assistance.

"Retreat! Retreat!" A soldier yelled in French. British and French soldiers ran back from where they originally came. Y/N watched before helping the German soldier to a nearby trench.

The soldier was treated and told Y/N his name, Felix. After a while of Y/N and Felix chatting, the soldier stopped and looked away. Y/N looked at Felix, confused they turned around to see someone new. He was tall and wore a dark uniform, and he also wore pickelhaube.

"So I heard you saved one of my men in that fight... you're not in my army, are you?" He asked. It was odd to know what he was saying, maybe a gift your demon gave you? Or is it a curse..?

"I only saved Felix because he needed help out there. But no, sir, I'm not in your army." Y/N responded, they stood straight like they have before as a maid/butler.

The tall German commander stood there and hums. "You'll be a special soldier, though I think you'd need more training to do before I sent you to the battlefield." He said. He snapped his fingers, and a German soldier was at his side in no time. "Schulz! Give this young man/lady a clean uniform. I want them ready after they're done." And with that, he started to leave.

"Yes, sir, German Empire!" The soldier said he started to lead Y/N to an empty room. The soldier came back with a nice uniform, he sets it down and went outside and waited. Y/N changed and walked out. The same soldier took the younger soldier to another room. The younger soldier covers their nose from the terrible odor of the muddy trench, Y/N could also see some rats running around.

The soldier saw this and chuckled, "Yeah, it does get smelly here, but you get used to it after days being here. Everyone here isn't bad, most of them are nice when you get to know them." He said, later he told Y/N that his name was Gunther.

Gunther stopped walking and stood beside the entrance that led outside the trench. "German Empire is outside here, good luck." And with that, Gunther left to attend to his duties.

Y/N walked outside the trench. There, they saw the commander training some other soldiers. The young soldier walked over to the taller German who stood watching the other soldiers' train.

"Sir? You wanted to see me?" Y/N asked.

German Empire looked down at the smaller soldier and smiled. "Why yes, since you're new, I'm not sure if you know how to use these types of weapons." He said, he pointed at the soldiers who were shooting with different types of guns.

"Well, I once used a pistol." Y/N said, not wanting to say where and when. The commander looks at the young soldier surprised, but he chuckled and nodded.

"Good start, let's begin."

After a few months of training, Y/N was known as a special soldier. Some called them the commanders right-hand man/women/person, Y/N hung out with Felix and Gunther when they had the time to hang out. They play card games and tell stories of their life and homes.

Just now, Y/N, Felix, and Gunther were playing poker when all of a sudden, a soldier barged in. "Y/N! Commander would like to see you!" The soldier said.

"Someone is in trouble." Gunther said, Felix snickered and pats the young soldiers back, giving them good luck. Y/N sighed and got up to follow the other soldier.

German Empire wasn't bad or scary well.. He does intimidate the soldiers a lot, but he's alright. Y/N asked themselves why he needed them, afterall Y/N was in the middle of a poker game. Felix is probably already looking through their cards!

Y/N saw the commander next to a tank. He was ordering soldiers and telling them off. When he saw Y/N, he smiled and motioned them to come closer.

"Y/N! Glad your here! Listen, I have a meeting, so I need you to be my guard. Just in case those allies attack us or spies are around to kill me." German Empire said. He had an irritated look, and his eyes had bags under them. He must not have gotten enough sleep after a while.

"Sure, of course, commander, I'll come with you. When is the meeting?" Y/N asked.

"Tomorrow in Berlin, I suggest you get enough sleep for now so you can be energized for tomorrow." The commander said.

"I would say the same for you." The young soldier said," German Empire chuckles and pats Y/N's back.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me.."

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