Chapter 45: Old friend

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"Hello...Gunther... I'm sorry, really, for coming in here with your grandkids. I didn't exactly expect them to take me here." It was him, their long-lost friend. The friend they fought with and suffered losses with. It was hard to believe that he survived, especially when he lost his Felix.

"No, no, don't apologize it's alright. They always do this." He said, holding his cane as he then went to the hallway of his house, motioning the soldier to follow him.

The kids ran into the kitchen, and the smell of brownies hit the soldier's nostrils. Having a small smile, they followed the elder through the small hallway over to a room.

"You can sleep here tonight. You must've had a rough time out there." Gunther said he mellowed out over the years.

"I'm surprised you're very kind to a soldier like me." They said, carefully walking into the small guest bedroom and looking around.

"Why wouldn't I? I help anyone in need, even if they're the enemy. I don't support the ideas of Deutschland. But I am an old timer." He sighed.

A moment of awkward silence filled the air. Y/n had nothing to say. They didn't blame Gunther for not supporting the ideals of Hitler it's gruesome and cruel.

"Anyways! Dinner will be soon. Some clothes might fit you in the closet, and go ahead and use the washroom." And with that, he left to deal with the gremlins in the other room.

Y/N closed the door and locked it before going to the closet and taking out what might fit them, laying them down on the nice clean bed they head to the washroom to freshen up and get the grime and dirt off their body. Once they're done, they change into the clothes that fit them. Some are a bit baggy or tight, but it works well for them.

Walking to the mirror, they took a look at themselves. At least that'll help them fit in. They should also do something with their hair. 'I'll ask Gunther if there's a barber shop nearby.' They thought.

'Or perhaps.. cut your hair yourself?'

They flinched at the sudden voice, they then looked around for anyone in the room but no one was there with them.

"I'm hallucinating... I should get some nutrients in my body before I become a corpse." Y/N mumbled to themselves. They unlocked the door and walked out of the room, heading to the kitchen where they saw Gunther cooking. They look around and see the kids listening to the radio out in the living room.

"So.. where's your wife?" The soldier asked, taking a seat at a nearby table in the kitchen.

"Oh, she passed a few years ago, so it's just been me living here alone. Though with the war going on, I'm watching over my grandkids while their parents are busy." He answered, stirring the pot.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Don't be, this is how life is. I suffered more with the loss of my brother. He was all I had. But you have to move on eventually." Gunther said he was right. During WW1, Felix and Gunther were always together. They were like two peas in a pod. And with Y/N and Ludwig in the mix, the four of them were like family.

"I'll tell you now," Gunther started, snapping Y/N from their thoughts. "We were happier before the Great War, but after that, everything went downhill. The inflation was unbelievable and terrible. Hopefully, this war can end soon, I'd like to rest in peace and not in a tangled-up war."

"I'm sure it will end soon."

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