Chapter 6: Empires

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Germany- 1915


Y/N has recently gotten ready for the German Empire's meeting with his central power group. Gunther and Felix were teasing them on how they were the commanders favorite soldier.

The young soldier stuck her/his/their tongue out at the both of them only to make them laugh more. Y/N huffs before punching their shoulders, Gunthed scuffed the soldiers' hair and patted their back. Both Gunther and Felix gave Y/N their luck on dealing with not just the German Empire but the whole Central powers.

Y/N walked beside some other soldiers who guided them to where the commander general German Empire was. The empire turned his attention to Y/N and gave them a soft smile.

"I'm glad you're coming with me. You're going to love everyone in Berlin." The commander said.

~Hours later~

Berlin, capital of the German Empire and a wonderful city to be in... well, one of the wonderful cities. I'm pretty sure London or Paris is more beautiful, but hey, Berlin isn't that bad.
Y/N stood close behind the German Empire, being obedient and quiet. They want to be respectful when meeting the commanders' allies. If not, then the commander will surely be disappointed in the young soldier, a crack in a heart for them.

Butlers opened the enormous dark doors, the warm air hit you, and it already felt comfy from the outside of the Berlin cold. Y/N followed the German Empire inside the large ancient mansion he owns.

The sight of Butlers and Maids reminds Y/N of the days when they were in Russia working for their beloved master. The voice of Karina and her Burnette hair, Boris and his terrible jokes, and Alina struggles of being short, but the memories of her kind heart warms the young soldier's soul. They were so distracted that they bumped into the German Empire.

"Sorry, commander! I-I was thinking about... my family.." Y/N said, their face red like cherry from embarrassment. They're were doing a great job, and now they ruined it from bumping into their commander.

"No, of course I understand. Wife/Husband??? Children???" He asked. He looked at Y/N with a questioning look.

"No, uh.. friends." Y/N replied, they nervously scratched behind their neck more embarrassed than before.

"I see. Well, you seem to be making new friends with Gunther and Felix. But I'm sure you'll return to your other friends alive, I promise you that." The commander said. He pats Y/N's back and headed to a large room. Y/N followed closely behind him and was amazed by how big the meeting room was. Sure, Y/N didn't see the Russian Empire's meeting room yet after how long they served there, but the German Empire has an impressive room here.

The young soldier saw already new countries in the room, and Y/N stood behind the German Empire. The commander chuckles a bit and stepped aside to let the other countries see the young man/lady/person.

"Meet my right hand man/women/person! Y/N they have shown to be a worthy soldier and so I invited them here." German Empire said, he introduced everyone to the young soldier.

Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire. The central powers spoke with only Y/N as the only soldier in the room. They answered simple questions from the members of the central powers, which pleased the commander. Seeing German Empire's smile makes their face heat up, their cheeks being red like a tomato or strawberry hell, maybe even more red than Soviet.

"I do wish that Prussia was here to deal with this chaos that was happening. It would've been nice to see him beat everyone in his path." Commander said. He had his head resting on his palm.

Austria-Hungary huffs and replies to his ally, "Yes, well he's dead, and so is Hapsburg. You won't have been seeing them as long as you're still here. You're in charge now, not Prussia or the Holy Roman Empire."

"You're still pissed off that Prussia beaten your ass." German Empire laughed, Austria-Hungary was flustered from the comment. He slammed his fist on the table and yelled at his ally before him.

"Germany! How about we just focus on what's going on now and not past? Serbia started, and we're ending this. He deserves what he's done!" Austria-Hungary said, commander smiled and chuckled. Ottoman and Bulgaria were frightened by Austria-Hungary, slamming his fist on the dark wooden table.

After a while, Y/N's eyes started getting heavy. They sat down and rested their head on their palm. They slowly closed their eyes and later fell asleep... they heard shuffling and even felt a kiss on their forehead. The meeting must've been over already.

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