Chapter 24: Names

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Y/N was now at Hamburg's place with Frankfurt. The cities were discussing while the duke took care of the child they were holding. They thought of Gunther, Ludwig, and poor Felix. The thought of the soldier's death saddens the duke.

The baby wasn't given a name yet, but a thought came into mind when Y/N was thinking of their old friends.

"Frankfurt? Hamburg? Why don't we give him a brave name for all the soldiers that live in our town and kingdom?" Y/N suggested they look over to where the cities stood.

"What about Leopold?"

Hamburg and Frankfurt thought for a moment (the names you guys chose for the child can be like a nickname for him).

"I like it!" Frankfurt broke the silence, he picks up Leopold from Y/N's hands and spun him around. Leopold giggled at the city's actions, and he clapped his hands as he was being spun around.

"Frankfurt, be careful! Who knows if h-" Hamburg was cut off by the baby puking on Frankfurt.

"You did warn him.." Y/N whispered to Hamburg. They were holding their laugh.

"EWWWWW" Frankfurt gags, and he gives Leopold back to Y/N. Hamburg pats Frankfurt's back and leads him to the bathroom where he can get cleaned off.

Y/N cleans Leopold's mouth, "It's funny how you puked on your uncle's face!" Y/N laughs, they boop their son's nose and gave him kisses. Leopold yawns and snuggles against their parent's chest, and Y/N wrapped the same blanket from before around the infant. They carefully got up and walked upstairs. They could hear Frankfurt yelling down the halls.

Y/N walked into their room, and the first thing they saw was a stack of paperwork on their desks. Y/N sighed and went to put Leopold in a crib next to the bed.

The young duke sat at their desk and decided to start working on their paperwork. A stack grew while they were away for a while. Some of the papers were about financial problems and other things, Y/N groans.

They could've been at home watching TV and hanging out with their friends, but instead, they're stuck here with paperwork and a baby. Not that Leopold was bad or anything but because they never dealt with a child before, and what happened recently was.. an experience, let's just say that.

After doing some paperwork, Hamburg walked in and quietly knocked on the door so as not to disturb the baby but also enough to get the duke's attention.

"Frankfurt is going to stay here for tonight, and you should get to bed it's getting late.." Hamburg reported. He looks at the stack that the duke has on their desk. "I'll handle the rest of these."

"Shouldn't you get some sleep too?" Y/N questioned, Hamburg, chuckled as he walked towards the desk and took the stack from Y/N.

"Don't worry about me, I swear I'll get some sleep after I finish these," Hamburg promised. He said good night to Y/N and later left with the stack.

Y/N flops down on their bed and stared at the crib.

"Goodnight, Leopold."

It's been a month, and Y/N has their hands full. The bad thing is that they have a meeting, and all their servants are busy. Y/N had Leopold in their arms. They were so tired from waking up every single night to attend to their new son. Hamburg also woke up every night as well, it was like a nightly duty.

Y/N fell asleep during the carriage ride with Leopold in their arms. Hamburg was back at home sleeping, Frankfurt doesn't have to deal with the problems the two suffer through.

As the carriage was shaken by a bump in the road, it woke up Y/N just in time to be at the destination. The doors opened, and Y/N walked out with their baby and also a bag. Y/N walked to the corridors and waited to be let in. Oh yeah, have I mentioned they're in Berlin once again?

Berlin opened the door only to be startled by the sight of a tired Y/N. They looked dead!

"Y/N! You look.... well today.." Berlin chuckled as he let the duke inside. Holy and Prussia sat in the living room with a few guests with them who laughed and chatted as they drank alcohol or tea.

As Holy saw Y/N, he quickly got up to greet them, and Leopold, Y/N flops on the couch next to Prussia's lap exhausted. The kingdom pats the duke's head and decided to take the baby from their arms.

"Looks like little Leopold took a lot of energy from you! ...wait, where's Hamburg?"

"Sleeping, he stayed up last night to keep Leopold sleeping," Y/N mumbled, but it was enough for the kingdom to hear.

"Right, well, I'm sure you've already met Spain, Britain, and of course Hapsburg." Prussia grinned. He got up and gave a maid to the baby and told them to tuck them in.

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