Chapter 43: Escape

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It's been a while since Y/N has been stuck in the German mansion, avoiding Third Reich in all possible ways. Japanese Empire seemed to be suspicious of them, but luckily Fascist Italy was there to cover up the mistakes.

Berlin has discussed the escape routes they could take for Y/N to go back home. It's unbelievable how the two are putting themselves in danger just for Y/N to go back to Russia before things escalate.

It was night, and Y/N was being escorted by Berlin, dodging every soldier that came down the hallways. With no light source, they could only depend on the moon to lead them through the mansion.

"We're almost there, Y/N. Soon, you can go back to the Soviet Union again." Berlin whispered, poking his head out to see if there was anyone in the hallway.

"I appreciate you and Italy helping me, I didn't exactly expect this." They whispered back, having Berlin's back and following him once everything was clear.

"You expect me to be like Dritte? Nein, I'm not a maniac like him." He sighed, leading through the long dark hall.

"Well, yeah, of course, you're not, I've always heard you're an intelligent capital from the Russian Empire." Y/N smiled, looking through the tall, long windows and seeing the bright moon.

"To the German Empire and Dritte, yes. But I was never Prussia's capital. That would be Königsberg." He whispered again, sighing. He's probably having more memories hitting his mind.

"Where was Königsberg?"

"Busy, of course, like all of us. Holy and Prussia have houses almost everywhere, but Prussia prefers to live here or in its capital, of course. The two were close. You'd thought they were brothers." Berlin went on. "Though after the German Empire came into the picture, I was assigned to take care of Deutschland."

"Well, you're one of the greatest capitals I've met," Y/N said, looking at Berlin again with a kind soft smile.

Berlin stares at Y/N for a moment before chuckling and smiling, "Thanks. Now, c'mon before Dritte wakes up."

After turning corners and speed-walking through the long dark hallways. Berlin stopped at a wall, more like a portrait of Prussia and the Teutonic Order. Y/N faintly remembers Prussia talking about the fellow knight, though their memory is now scrambled up.

The capital gently grabbed the painting and opened it like a door, revealing a secret tunnel.

"There's a lot of things Dritte doesn't know about this mansion, this is one of them." He faintly whispered, helping the Russian soldier into the tunnel before going in himself and closing the painting.

He took out a lighter and lit it so the light would lead them out instead of walking aimlessly in the dark void of the tunnel.

"How do you know about this?" Y/N asks, looking around amazed. It was old with cobwebs hanging and dust everywhere.

"The great Holy Roman Empire showed me. It was 1237, and I was in a new city. He took me in and showed me around, I memorized everything after that. Not even the German Empire knew about this." Berlin quietly responded, leading the way again down the tunnel with the Russian soldier closely behind.

"You're 700 years old??? I thought you'd be older." They hum, now in deep thinking about Berlin's age.

"Very funny... You're already making me feel older than I am." He huffs.

"Well, aren't you old enough?"

"Y/n! Quit it! I'm not that old!" Berlin pouts and looks away from the Russian.

Y/N apologized but again added more jokes, which annoyed Berlin some more. After what felt like ages, the two finally made it to the end of the tunnel. Surprisingly, it led it to a forest. Y/N turned around and saw the tunnel was connected to a dirt wall, which was far from the mansion. That would explain the long walk.

"Well, you're here now. Tell Moscow I said hi. Oh! And make sure to warn Soviet when you have the chance." Berlin said, his voice sadden now.

"..Thank you for everything, Berlin. I appreciate it. Not all Germans are bad." Y/N smiled, giving the capital one last hug before running off into the woods.

"..Not all Germans are bad.." He repeated to himself, he looks down at his uniform and back at where Y/N had gone before going into the tunnel again.

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