Chapter 86

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“You okay there, Shorty? Need me to slow down?”

“I’ve never been better.” The sun is shining over Westbrooke, I’m sitting next to the man I love, and most importantly, I’m out of that fucking hospital!

I didn’t think it was possible for me to love the Southside more, but driving through the packed streets, watching all the women come out of church in their Sunday best as we speed past, I’m just so happy to see their faces.

“You sure you want to go straight to Granny’s?”

“God yes.” I want to see my baby, I want to stand behind my counter, I want to lay in my own fucking bed! “I need to see what Val and Alicia have done with the place.”

“I promise you they haven’t changed a thing, kept everything the way you would.” Bless their hearts.

Running the cafe is no easy task, trust me, so when I woke up in the hospital one of the first things I thought was how much shit I’m going to have to deal with to get it back up and running, but turns out I didn’t need to be.

Family took care of it.

Mama T showed Alicia how to do all the ordering, so she’s stayed on top of the books, looking after my staff while Val used her expertise in the kitchen to make sure no-one in this town went hungry. I really am blessed.

There it is. I’ve missed you.

“May!” I’m still not entirely stable on my feet, Kage having to catch us both when Alicia comes barrelling into my arms. “I haven’t changed anything, I swear! I just did a little tweak on your books, because you were doing some calculations twice when you didn’t have to, but Tara told me that it was fine because-”

“Will you calm the fuck down?” She’s talking so fast I’m only catching half the words! “She told me that if I don’t hire you permanently then I’m an idiot, so I know you’ve been golden, babe.”

“There's my favourite future daughter-in-law.” Val pulls me away into a cuddle. She’s been bringing food to the hospital every evening, the smell of freshly baked pastries on his skin making me feel all warm and fluffy inside. “Now go sit down.” Such a mum.

“I’m fine, I swear, the doc said it would be good for me to try and ease myself back into my routine...” She gives me the best ‘like fuck you will’ look I’ve ever seen, and immediately my ass is in a chair.

“That’s better, now don't you move until you've eaten something from every food group.” Brownies and doughnuts?! Yes Ma’am.

It’s weird to be on this side of the counter, the girls that work for me come up for cuddles before they run around to serve all my customers. I never thought I’d be one of those people that completely loves their job, but it's part of my soul now, being here is good for me.

“Where’s Latty?”

“With Anniston. She’s...” Alicia and Valerie look at each other. “She’s decided to stay here. She’s taking a job down at the day care.”

Yesssssssss! I wiggle my eyebrows at Kage. I knew being in a coma had to have some benefits; it’s given them the chance to see that they need to fucking move here!

“So one out of three... When you guys making the plunge?” Val smiles, but Alicia stops making eye contact with me. I thought she’d be more excited than anyone to stay here, especially considering who she’d be staying for.

“That’s not as easy a decision for us. It’s different for Latty, she’s found a job here and she really loves living at Connor and Anniston’s place, and they seem to like having her there too.” Of course they do, free babysitting for the twins. “We’re in a different position.”

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