Chapter 31

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It’s been a long fucking night.

I’m grateful for two things right now; Heather being my eternal backup and talking her mother into covering the morning run for me to stay up here.

And Hope being deaf so my son smacking his wooden cubes together doesn't wake her from her drunken slumber. It’s actually a gift when you think about it.

“Yeah, tell her that I can have a phone appointment at lunch, I just can’t make it in this morning.” The receptionist at my therapist’s office quickly rearranges for me. I know at this point Hope is safe from a concussion, but I’d still rather be here when she wakes up. “Thanks.”

I hang up the phone, only to see a message come through from Connor.

‘Green Eyes: Thanks, May. I’ve hardly seen her since she’s been back, things are different with her now. I’m glad she’s safe with you, just like she's supposed to be X’

He’s never hated me, never blamed me for her not coming home. I don’t know what Brie told him, it won’t have been enough to put him in danger, but it was enough. Green eyes has always been more understanding than he should be. He’s one of the good ones.

I give Teal a belly full of boobies, do the dishes and make a fresh pot of coffee for when she wakes up, right before there’s a knock at the door.

I might run for it a bit quicker than I probably should, ripping it open and begging to see a pair of glowing sapphires, but instead it's the very opposite.

“Is she still here?” You son of a bitch.

“Yeah, she’s still here, but one thing before you come in.” *SLAP* I hit Craig hard enough to turn his box-dyed brunette locks back blonde. “Why the hell did you tell her we fucked?!”

“I didn’t!” He protests, rubbing his jaw like a little fucking baby. “Just let me in and I’ll explain.”

“Fine, but this better be good!” I step back, opening the door wide so his giant shoulders can fit through. “How did you get up here anyway?”

“Heather let me up.” Of course she did, that girl is ab-blind when it comes to you. “I’ve been up all night looking for her, I thought this would be the last place on earth she’d come.”

You and me both.

Teal’s head shoots up when Craig walks in, there's a bond between them I can’t quite explain. He isn’t possessive with him like Josh is, or paternal like Milo, but they recognise each other on a deeper level. I think he knows that without Craig, he wouldn't be here.

“You're getting bigger.” Craig crouches down next to the couch, and it's almost impossible to maintain a level of anger towards him when my son joyfully shuffles along the furniture so fast he almost falls over trying to get into his arms.

“How did you know she was here?” He looks around the living room, before staring through the doorway at the bombshell in the bed.

We've spent a lot of time together since Teal was born, but not once has he ever confirmed my suspicions about him and Hope. However, just standing here watching the way he looks at her, I don’t need him too. It’s so fucking obvious.

She broke him.

“Connor text me. I went to him last night when she didn’t come home, but she wasn’t there, so I went looking for her.”

“Home? You mean since she’s been here, she’s been living with...”

“Me.” Well I’m sure that’s not been awkward at all... “Mum said it’s just temporary, until they sort out the day-care after the flood. I didn’t ask for this.” I’m sure you didn’t protest much either.

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