Chapter 43: One Hundred Star Coins

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At eight o'clock in the morning, as soon as Yan Hao arrived at the lab, he received an urgent message from BabyBug, asking him if he could give the data on time.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Seeing that the other party was in a hurry, Yan Hao immediately opened the math problem he had solved last night and continued to solve it.

When he was eating breakfast just now, he ran through the process he had written out last night in his head again, so he could write it smoothly now. In the end, it only took him an hour and twenty minutes to finish writing the preliminary formula.

When Yan Hao saw that it was still early, he quickly went through the formula again to make sure it was correct before he clicked Save and uploaded it to his email address. When he was about to send it to BabyBug, Yan Hao suddenly paused.

[You have to remember that every formula and every value you write is worth money.]

"Do I have to charge money for this formula I wrote?" Yan Hao was torn and wrinkled his eyebrows, "But BabyBug is also my friend, so I shouldn't charge for helping my friend, right? But, I also promised Senior."

"Besides, even if I were to charge, how would I price it?"

Yan Hao had spent only two minutes checking his solution, but he had spent eight minutes thinking about this question until BabyBug's urgent message came again.

BabyBug: [Rian, have you finished writing yet?]

Yan Hao: [Can you wait a little longer?]

BabyBug: [How long does it take? If it takes a long time, I'll go and cancel the scheduled time so that someone else can use it.

Rian: [No. It's just a few minutes.]

Yan Hao pondered for a few more minutes and finally decided on the pricing, but he didn't send an email to BabyBug first.

Rian: [I finished writing?]

BabyBug: [So soon? Then you send me an email. I'll go to the Super Lightroom now.]

Rian: [I have something to say to you.]

Rian: [Go ahead.]

Yan Hao took a deep breath, but still wrote out what he had prepared to say: [I promised my brother that I would charge money for every formula I wrote.]

On the other side of the light screen, when BabyBug saw this message sent by Rian, his whole body froze on the spot.

"Senior, I'm not wrong, right? This internet friend of yours is a liar. These light screen test results are not necessarily right, and they want to charge money first. Simply shameless ah." The youth said gloomily.

BabyBug had long ago told his teacher about Rian solving the math problem yesterday, so at this time, the teacher was also standing behind him. The old man who was originally full of expectation, when he saw this, the disappointment in his eyes even exceeded his anger. He had thought that someone had really solved the formula.

BabyBug was also disappointed and even a little sad. Although he had never met Rian, he used to consider Rian as a friend.

Just as BabyBug was about to reject Rian's request, a new message was sent from the opposite side.

Rian: [Is a hundred star coins okay?]

BabyBug blinked and blinked again, "One hundred star coins?"

The old man who had already turned to leave stopped in his tracks after hearing his apprentice's startled cry.

"Teacher, Rian only wants a hundred star coins from me? This amount, it's not so much a fraud." One hundred star coins, at most, is the money of one meal. Which scammer spends a day and a night solving a problem and finally only scammed for a meal?

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