Chapter 34

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Its been a while, isn't it? Things are finally falling back into their places. Life is finally normal for me, well as normal as a Mafia leader and with a pregnant hormonal husband can be. Yes, you heard it right, husband. My beautiful, cute little husband who is five and half month pregnant.

We got married soon after Jimin's mental condition became stable. Taehyung has apologized for what he did. Eventually after apologizing, he fell in love with Hobi hyung. At first Hobi hyung and Taehyung wouldn't stop bickering and we would have to scold them to shut their mouth up but slowly their bickering turned into love for each other.

We were happy, i was happy. At first when we came back home after all Baekhyun stuff, Jimin wouldn't come out of our room, he would scream and shout if it would be anyone except me or Hobi hyung. Stress was eating him inside and it was critical as our baby's life was on the line as well. It took great amount of time for us to eventually make him comfortable around us but at the end we were able to do it.

Lately, his mood swings are making us all go wild, from waking in the middle of night to forcing us to eat weirdest combination of foods, we are doing all the crazy stuffs that makes me think that I'm the luckiest man alive in this world.

Jimin and Taehyung are best friends again, well there is an addition in that group, guess who?!  If you guessed Hobi hyung, then you are absolutely right. Yoongi hyung as usually was caring for us and oh let's not forget his grumpy grandpa behaviour, he would get worried when Jimin would say no to eat food because he doesn't feel like it.

Jimin's been waddling around with his baby bump, i really don't want his bump to disappear ever. I mean it's the cutest sight to see when he is walking around or whining about how i should eat the same food as him. Fuck no, i would never want to have taste those nasty combination of food or deserts. Like who the hell eats icecream with a pickle as a side dish?! 

(I literally felt like pucking while imagining 🤢🤮)

Any sane person would puck at the sight but my baby has been craving those since he has been stable enough to eat properly.

About our marriage, it wasn't anything grand. Jimin wanted it to be small and i agreed since he had gone through so much and i didn't want to make him uncomfortable with anything, be it our wedding. My baby will get what he wants.

"Gukieeeeee....." I heard a scream and ran towards our room where i left my baby to rest as he was sleepy.

"What happened?! Is the baby okay?! You wanna go to hospital?!" I said everything in one go as soon as i was in the room.

He motioned me to come forward and i did as i was told. I leaned down a bit and then i was harshly smacked on the back of head.

"Owww" i whinnied as soon as his hand made contact with my head.

"What was that for?" I said while rubbing the place where he hit me. He is so brutal sometimes. He rolled his eyes

"Why do you want to take me to the hospital everytime i call you?" He asked while again rolling his eyes.

"You weren't just simply calling me, you were actually screaming my name and i though you might be in pain" this time it was my turn to roll my eyes at him.

"I wanna cuddle with you.. pweashhh" he whinnied with baby voice and his big puppy eyes that i can never ignore. He is the cutest when he is pregnant. I swear he's gonna be the death of me.

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