Chapter 33

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A resonating gun shot was heard echoing within the walls of mansion.



A bullet was fired from Yoongi's gun and towards Mark who was slowly making his way behind all of them while his gun was pointed towards Jungkook whose attention was on Jimin. A painful groan followed by a thud was heard as mark clutched his legs while falling down on floor. Blood was pouring out of the hole that was on his right leg.

"Don't move Baekhyun or else I'll empty all the bullets in your body" a gun was pointed on the back of Baekhyun's head by none other than Yoongi.

"Y-yoongi?" Baekhyun stuttered as if it was hard for him to believe what just happened, which was true. Baekhyun trusted Yoongi when he made a deal with him saying that he want revenge from Jungkook.

Baekhyun was blinded by absurd revenge that started with nothing but assumption, he just wanted to take revenge doesn't matter who he have to kill or take help of. He was happy that Yoongi had same intension as his towards Jungkook. He never thought twice that it all can be a well planned game by none other than Jeon Jungkook.

~~flashback~~ ( Chapter -19)

(Characters revelation)

~~Meanwhile somewhere~~
(Yoongi's conversation over a phone call with Baekhyun)

"Everything is done, I gave you the information I got. Don't forget to keep my bank balance in check" Yoongi said with a smirk on his face.

"Don't worry buddy, your hardwork won't go to waste and thanks for giving me that confidential information about the base. I know i hit home when he went on rampage to find out who the fuck gave away this important piece of information when no one knew about it apart from few most trusted one" Baekhyun laughter could be heard on the other side.

"Oh that was so easy, he trust me and he will never suspect me to be the mole that he is, oh so eager to find but what he doesn't know is I'm just playing a game. A dangerous game" Yoongi said with that sly smirk still on his face.

"Keep it up buddy, you don't need to worry about your bank balance I'll keep it in check, you just give me the information i asked. Okay, so call me when you have it" Baekhyun said and with that the call ended.

Then Yoongi dialled another number. After couple of rings Jungkook picked up the call.

"Everything is in check, everything is going accordingly boss. I'll contact you as soon as I'll get the information" Yoongi said with his deep steady voice. Authority was lacing through his words. Even though he was following orders, his aura screams bitch bossy attitude.

"Great, it's time people know their place. Keep going and do everything as we planned." Jungkook's firm vocie replied and with that the call came to an end.

~~End of the flashback~~


~~Another Flashback~~ (Chapter 20)

"Everything is ready boss, tomorrow will be the day" Yoongi said with a knowing smirk.
Roar of evil laughter could be heard on the other end.

"Let the actual game begin my friend" Jungkook said with a hint of evil tone in his talk. This is where everything changes. Not everything is same as it looks like. Not everything is true, even when it is infront of your own eyes. Not everything is fine, when you think it to be.

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