Chapter 11

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[Not Edited]

Jungkook's POV

"As you wish little slut" i said and swinged my knife forward and created a deep slash on her neck. Work done. It was easy. Pheww..

Want to know why i killed her? She was working for my rival, well not really working but just keep his bed warm, you know what i mean.

She was close to him, they weren't exactly in a relationship but he tell her every single thing. So my slaves did a quick research and got to know her and then she was dragged right inside of my basement.

Sounds good, right? Well she wasn't opening her god damn mouth..why the fuck can't she open her mouth when she can spread her legs? why can't she fucking do me a favor and open that disgusting mouth to just tell me few things which I've been asking decently?

She wasn't telling me, so now she got what she was asking for. Fucking slut couldn't even answer a simple question.

"Get to work, I don't want to see this body or else next time your body won't be seen" i said and walked out to clean myself. I quickly took a shower and changed. Okay, now i feel good.

Coming to Jimin, I've been keeping eyes on him and I get his report every day, according to report there is nothing wrong with him, he is same as before, according to his father everything is fine in their house as well, he's been doing his regular work and all but i feel something is wrong, very very wrong.

I don't believe all this bullshit that's in these reports and whatever that asshole Park says, i have camera installated in his kitchen area, because if not in his room, he is always in the kitchen and i love to see him dancing while cooking. I deliberately left his room because i didn't wanted to scare him. It's the least way i could show my decency to him.

I've been observing him, he isn't dancing as he use to, he barely touches his food, he seems different these past day.

It's only been three days since i installed the camera there because i wanted to be close to him, not really but technically i could watch him, so i don't really know what happened before it to make him like this.

I know something is wrong. Nothing goes unnoticed by my eyes and i know  a change, when i see it. I need to know what's going on inside that beautiful head of his. God no, when did i became this cheesy this is so not me.

I've been dealing with so much bullshit right now, rivals have been bugging me a lot and I've been giving them hell in return but that's not an issue, just a snap of my finger and the work would be done for me. It's just dealing with them is tiresome.

Few weeks and I'll have my baby in my arms, right by my side. I'll cage him inside my mansion so no one will get to see his glimpse of glory. He is ethereal, true beauty and I'll never let someone take him away from me.

Doesn't matter if he returns my feelings, i don't care. I've never felt this way before and when I'm actually feeling it, I'll do anything to live in the moment not caring about anyone, i know I'll be selfish or I'm being selfish but it's enough now.

I've always got what i wanted either by will or by force, this will be no different. I'll have him either by his own will or by force. He is going to be mine and only mine, call me obsessive, call me possessive, call me psycho, call me whatever you want nothing is going to change the fact that he will be mine and only mine forever.

I've been taking lives for him...oh sorry you guys weren't aware of it, right? No worries I'll let you in on this one about what I'm talking about.

Those who looked at him with that lustful gaze or those who even glanced at him, oh and those who  practically undressed him with their disgusting eyes, you know what i did to them?

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