Chapter 27

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[Not Edited]

[ Warning⚠️ :- Mention of Rape, skip this chapter if you're not comfortable with it... but others can go ahead.. ]


I woke up with a throbbing head, it felt like someone has banged it repeatedly to the wall. I scrunched my face due to the amount of pain I was feeling all over my body. How the hell did this happened?

Last thing I remember is when i was on the bed, deep in thoughts about our future together. To be honest I'm a little worried about us, hyung's work is dangerous there are lot of people behind him, waiting for him to slip and they'll strike at him. I'm seriously very scared about Jungkook hyung. His life is always at risk, no matter how much he tries to deny it.

Everything went black when i felt Jungkook hyung's arms around me. I mean i was going to turn around to face him but then i felt something pricking on the side of my neck and after that everything went black.

I have no idea what's actually happening or what have happened. Its like one minute everything was going all good and then the next moment everything went downhill for me. No, Jungkook hyung won't do this to me. I know something must be wrong for him to do such a thing to me.

I finally noticed the room and the bed I was currently in. This isn't our room, everything in here is of black colour like sheets, comforter, bed, couch, rug and even carpet. I started panicking, at first I didn't noticed anything but now when I'm well aware of this unknown place, the anxiety started kicking in.

The door opened and my head snapped towards the direction. I scurried backward while clutching the sheets to my chest. Who could it be? Why am I in this unknown place? Where is Jungkook hyung, or other hyung's? Is he okay? All this question started to fuel my anxiety more, if I wouldn't calm myself down I'll probably have a panic attack. That's not good.

My eyes widen when I saw the person that came in through the door. I quickly threw the sheets and ran towards them. Without any second thoughts I wrapped my arms around his torso while hiding my face in the crook of his neck. I felt his arms around my waist while he pulled me more into his familiar warmth. As soon as I was in his embrace, I started to sob. My whole body started to shake uncontrollably.

"Shh, it's okay.... It's okay I'm here.... shh.... don't cry" he started to caress my back while I tried to even my breathing.

"You know I don't like it when you cry. Please minie don't cry. You are safe with me" His soothing voice made me calm and the only thing left was the hiccups. He quietly walked us towards the bed, while carefully making me sit on the edge. I was reluctant to leave him but he sat beside me and held me again.

"I was so scared taetae. I thought I was kidnapped. I though I would never see you all ever again." I said while Taehyung was still caressing my back. I was so happy to see him here. At least I'm not alone.

"How did you knew, where I was?" I asked him, as I pulled away and sat straight while looking at him with curiosity in my eyes. If he is here that means Jungkook hyung might have the idea about my whereabout.

"I didn't knew where you where" he said hesitantly, I could clearly see him having an inner battle, he seems dejected?or am i mistaken, no i can never be mistaken when it comes to my Taehyung, he is an open book for me. The one whom I've known since i was a kid, since my existence.

Why is he looking like that and what did he meant by he didn't knew where I was? If he didn't knew, how come he is here?

"What do you mean by, you didn't knew where I was?" I asked feeling restless now.

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